Alaska Administrative Code
Title 5 - Fish and Game
Part 3 - Game
Chapter 92 - Statewide Provisions
Article 7 - Use of Game
5 AAC 92.220 - Salvage of game meat, furs, and hides

Universal Citation: 5 AK Admin Code 92.220

Current through November 28, 2024

(a) Subject to additional requirements in 5 AAC 84 - 5 AAC 85, a person taking game shall salvage the following parts for human use:

(1) the hide of a wolf, wolverine, coyote, fox, lynx, marten, mink, fisher, weasel, and land otter, and the hide or meat of a beaver, muskrat, pika, ground squirrel, snowshoe hare, or marmot;

(2) the hide and skull of a brown bear, except as provided in (5) of this section;

(3) from January 1 through May 31, the hide, skull, and edible meat as defined in 5 AAC 92.990, from June 1 through December 31, the skull and either the hide or edible meat of a black bear taken in a game management unit in which sealing is required;

(4) from January 1 through May 31, the edible meat, and from June 1 through December 31, either the hide, or the edible meat as defined in 5 AAC 92.990, of a black bear taken in any game management unit in which sealing is not required; however, from June 1 through December 31, the edible meat of a black bear taken by a resident hunter taking black bear under customary and traditional use activities at a den site from October 15 through April 30, in Unit 19(A), that portion of the Kuskokwim River drainage within Unit 19(D) upstream from the Selatna River drainage and the Black River drainage, and in Units 21(B), 21(C), 21(D), 24, and 25(D) must be salvaged;

(5) all meat of the ribs, neck, brisket, front quarters, hindquarters, and the meat along the backbone between the front and hindquarters of a brown bear taken under a subsistence registration permit in Unit 9(B), all drainages in Unit 9(E) that drain into the Pacific Ocean between Cape Kumliun and the border of Unit 9(D) and Unit 9(E), Unit 17, Unit 18, that portion of Units 19(A) and 19(B) downstream of an 9 including the Aniak River drainage, Unit 21(D), Unit 22, Unit 23, Unit 24, and Unit 26(A) shall be salvaged for human consumption; salvage of the hide or skull is optional;

(6) in addition to (d) of this section the heart, liver, kidnevs, and fat of caribou taken in 5 AAC 92.074(d) must be salvaged, and the head, heart, liver, kidnevs, stomach and hide of moose taken in 5 AAC 92.074(d) must be salvaged;

(7) the hide or meat of Alaska hares taken in Unit 9;

(b) A big game animal killed or injured by a vehicle is the property of the state. The operator of a motor vehicle that collides with a big game animal resulting in death or injury to the animal shall notify the State Troopers or division of Alaska wildlife troopers in the Department of Public Safety, as soon as possible.

(c) Repealed 4/24/88.

(d) A person taking game not listed in (a) of this section shall salvage for human consumption all edible meat, as defined in 5 AAC 92.990. In addition,

(1) for moose and caribou taken before October 1 in Unit 9(B), Unit 17, Unit 18, those portions of Unit 19(A) within the Holitna/Hoholitna Controlled Use Area, and Unit 19(B), the edible meat of the front quarters and hindquarters must remain naturally attached to the bone until the meat is transported from the field or is processed for human consumption;

(2) for caribou taken before October 1 in Unit 21(A), the edible meat of the front quarters and hindquarters must remain naturally attached to the bone until the meat has been transported from the field or is processed for human consumption;

(3) for moose taken before October 1 in Units 13, 19, 21, 23, 24, and 25, for caribou taken before October 1 in Units 13, 19, 21(A), 21(E), 23, 24, 25(A), 25(B), and 25(D), and for bison taken before October 1 in Units 19, 21(A), and 21(E), the edible meat of the front quarters, hindquarters, and ribs must remain naturally attached to the bone until the meat has been transported from the field or is processed for human consumption;

(4) repealed 7/1/2009;

(5) repealed 7/1/2009.

(6) for moose and caribou taken under a community subsistence harvest permit in the area described in 5 AAC 92.074(d) the edible meat of the front quarters, hindquarters, ribs, brisket, neck and back bone must remain naturally attached to the bone until the meat has been transported from the field or is processed for human consumption.

(e) Antlers, horns, or the hide and skull of a brown or black bear may not be transported from the kill site until all edible meat salvaged in accordance with this chapter has been transported to the departure point from the field. However, antlers, horns, or the hide and skull of a brown or black bear may be transported simultaneously with the final load of edible meat salvaged.

(f) Antlers, horns, or the hide and skull of a brown or black bear may not be transported from the field unless accompanied by all edible meat or unless possession of the meat has been transferred in accordance with 5 AAC 92.135.

(g) Repealed 7/1/2002.

(h) A game animal taken in violation of AS 16 or a regulation adopted under AS 16 is the property of the state.

(i) repealed 7/1/2016.

(j) A person taking Rocky Mountain mule or white tailed deer must salvage the entire carcass, including the hide, and present it to the department within a time specified by the department, to a location specified by the department.

Authority: AS 16.05.255

AS 16.05.258

AS 16.05.920

AS 16.30.010

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