(1) the following Wolf and Bear
Control Focus Areas are established in the Unit 21(E) Predation Control Area;
the areas do not delineate a moose, wolf, or bear population and are not
intended to distinguish animals within the areas from populations in Unit
21(E); the purpose is to focus wolf and bear control in a relatively small area
where moose numbers can be better estimated, where moose are accessible to
hunters, and where harvest can be closely monitored;
(A) the Wolf Control Focus Area (WCFA)
encompasses approximately 4,126 square miles within Unit 21(E) within the area
south of 63° 06.00' N. lat., north of 61° 54.00' N. lat., and easterly
of a line starting at 62° 08.00' N. lat., 160° 35.00' W. long., then
north to 62° 44.00' N. lat., 160° 35.00' W. long., then east to 62°
44.00' N. lat., 160° 10.00' W. long., then north to 62° 56.00' N. lat.,
160° 10.00' W. long., then east to 62° 56.00' N. lat., 160° 05.00'
W. long., then north to 63° 00.00' N. lat., 160° 05.00' W. long., then
east to 63° 00.00' N. lat., 160° 00.00' W. long., then north to 63°
02.00' N. lat., 160° 00.00' W. long., then east to 62° 02.00' N. lat.,
159° 55.00' W. long., then north to 63° 06.00' N. lat., 159° 55.00'
W. long.; wolf control will be conducted only within the WCFA; the department
has the discretion to adjust the area's size and shape to include up to
approximately 4,500 square miles of Unit 21(E);
(B) the Black Bear and Brown Bear Control
Focus Area (BCFA) encompasses approximately 556 square miles consisting of
those portions of the Yukon River drainage within the area starting at 62°
08.00' N. lat., 159° 25.00' W. long., then west to 62° 08.00' N. lat.,
159° 45.00' W. long., then north to 62° 14.00' N. lat, 159° 45.00'
W. long., then west to 62° 14.00' N. lat., 160° 00.00' W. long., then
north to 62° 22.00' N. lat., 160° 00.00' W. long., then west to 62°
22.00' N. lat, 160° 05.00' W. long., then north to 62° 28.00' N. lat,
160° 05.00' W. long., then west to 62° 28.00' N. lat, 160° 10.00'
W. long., then north to 62° 36.00' N. lat., 160° 10.00' W. long., then
east to 62° 36.00' N. lat., 159° 30.00' W. long., then south to 62°
16.00' N. lat., 159° 30.00' W. long., then east to 62° 16.00' N. lat.,
159° 25.00' W. long., then south to 62° 08.00' N. lat, 159° 25.00'
W. long.; bear control will be conducted only within the BCFA; the department
has the discretion to adjust the area's size and shape up to approximately 800
square miles of Unit 21(E); the BCFA is entirely within the WCFA;
(2) this is a continuing control
program that was first authorized by the board in 2010 for wolf control; it is
currently designed to increase moose numbers and harvest in the WCFA and BCFA
by reducing predation on moose and is expected to make a contribution to
achieving the intensive management (IM) objectives in Unit 21(E);
(3) moose, wolf, black bear, and brown bear
objectives are as follows:
(A) the moose IM
population objective established by the board for Unit 21(E) is 9,000-11,000
moose; the IM harvest objective for Unit 21(E) is 550-1,100 moose
(B) the density objective
for moose in the WCFA is 1.0 per square mile (corrected for sightability)
during late winter surveys; the annual moose harvest objective for the WCFA is
(C) the wolf control objective
in the WCFA is to reduce wolf numbers by at least 60-80 percent; the
pre-control estimate within the WCFA is 80 wolves; the pre-control wolf
population in Unit 21(E) is estimated at 150; a minimum of 30 wolves
post-control in Unit 21(E) will ensure that wolves persist in Unit
(D) the black bear control
objective in the BCFA is to reduce black bear numbers to the lowest level
possible; the pre-control black bear population in Unit 21(E) is estimated at
1,900-2,275; the pre-control estimate within the BCFA is 130-160; because the
BCFA is a relatively small geographic area, removing black bears from within it
will have only a minor effect on the black bear population in Unit
(E) the brown bear control
objective in the BCFA is to reduce brown bear numbers to the lowest level
possible; the pre-control brown bear population in Unit 21(E) is estimated at
100-200; the pre-control estimate within the BCFA is 10-15; because the BCFA is
a relatively small geographic area, removing brown bears from within it will
have only a minor effect on the brown bear population in Unit 21(E);
(4) board findings concerning
populations and human use are as follows:
a proactive approach is needed to allow for a timely response to a decline in
the Unit 21(E) moose population if IM population and harvest objectives have
not been met;
(B) predation by
wolves and bears is an important cause of failure to achieve population or
harvest objectives;
(C) a reduction
of wolf and bear predation within the WCFA and BCFA can reasonably be expected
to make progress towards achieving the Unit 21(E) IM objectives;
(D) reducing predation is likely to be
effective and feasible using recognized and prudent active management
techniques and based on scientific information;
(E) reducing predation is likely to be
effective given land ownership patterns;
(5) if the moose density in Unit 21(E)
declines to fewer than 1.0 moose per square mile (corrected for sightability)
then authorized methods and means are as follows:
(A) hunting and trapping of wolves and
hunting of black bears and brown bears by the public in Unit 21(E) during the
term of this program may occur as provided in the hunting and trapping
regulations set out elsewhere in this title, including use of motorized
(B) notwithstanding any
other provisions in this title, the commissioner may allow department employees
to conduct aerial, land and shoot, or ground-based lethal removal of wolves and
black bears and brown bears using state-owned, privately-owned, or chartered
equipment, including helicopters, under
(C) notwithstanding any other provisions in
this title, the commissioner may issue public aerial shooting permits and
public land and shoot permits using fixed-wing aircraft as a method of wolf
removal under
(6) time frame is as follows:
(A) before July 1, 2030, the commissioner may
authorize removal of wolves and black bears and brown bears in Unit
(B) annually, upon
implementation of predation control, the department shall, to the extent
practicable, provide to the board a report of program activities conducted
during the preceding 12 months, including implementation activities, the status
of the moose, wolf and bear populations, and recommendations for changes, if
necessary to achieve the objectives of the plan;
(7) the commissioner will review, modify or
suspend program activities as follows:
when wolf surveys or accumulated information from department personnel,
hunters, trappers, and permittees indicate the need to avoid reducing wolf
numbers in Unit 21(E) below 30 wolves;
(B) when the moose density and harvest
objectives within the WCFA specified in this subsection are achieved.