Alaska Administrative Code
Title 5 - Fish and Game
Part 3 - Game
Chapter 92 - Statewide Provisions
Article 5 - Intensive Management and Predator Control
5 AAC 92.108 - Identified big game prey populations and objectives
For purposes of implementing AS 16.05.255(e) - (g), the Board of Game has made the following findings on whether the listed big game prey populations, or portions of those populations, are identified as important for providing high levels of harvest for human consumptive use, and has established the following population and harvest objectives:
Population |
Population Objective |
Harvest Objective |
Deer | |||
GMU 1 (A) |
Positive |
15,000 |
700 |
GMU 1 (B) |
Negative | ||
GMU 1 (C) |
Positive |
6,200 |
450 |
GMU 1 (D) |
Negative | ||
GMU 2 |
Positive |
71,000 |
2,700 |
GMU 3 |
Positive |
15,000 |
900 |
GMU 4 |
Positive |
125,000 |
7,800 |
GMU 5 |
Negative | ||
GMU 6 |
Positive |
24,000 - 28,000 |
2,200 - 3,000 |
GMU 8 |
Positive |
70,000 - 75,000 |
8,000 - 8,500 |
Caribou Herds |
Adak |
Negative | ||
Beaver Mountain |
Negative | ||
Central Arctic |
Positive |
28,000 - 32,000 |
1,400 - 1,600 |
Chisana |
Negative |
Delta |
Negative | ||
Denali |
Negative | ||
Farewell/Big River |
Negative | ||
Fortymile |
Positive |
50,000 - 100,000 |
1,000 - 15,000 |
Galena Mountain |
Negative | ||
Kenai Lowlands |
Negative | ||
Kenai Mountains |
Negative | ||
Killey River, Fox River, and Twin Lakes |
Negative | ||
Macomb |
Positive |
600 - 800 |
30 - 50 |
Mentasta |
Negative | ||
Mulchatna |
Positive |
30,000 - 80,000 |
2,400 - 8,000 |
Nelchina |
Positive |
35,000 - 40,000 |
3,000 - 6,000 |
Northern Alaska | |||
Peninsula |
Positive |
6,000 - 15,000 |
600 - 1,500 |
Nushagak Peninsula |
Negative | ||
Porcupine |
Positive |
100,000 - 150,000 |
1,500 - 2,000 |
Rainy Pass |
Negative | ||
Ray Mountain |
Negative | ||
Southern Alaska Peninsula |
Positive |
1,500 - 4,000 |
150 - 200 |
Sunshine Mountain |
Negative | ||
Teshekpuk |
Positive |
15,000 - 28,000 |
900 - 2,800 |
Tonzona |
Negative | ||
Unimak Island |
Negative | ||
Western Arctic |
Positive |
at least 200,000 |
12,000 - 20,000 |
White Mountain |
Negative | ||
Wolf Mountain |
Negative | ||
Moose | |||
GMU 1 (A) |
Negative | ||
GMU 1 (B)-Stikine River |
Negative | ||
GMU 1 (B)-Thomas Bay |
Negative | ||
GMU 1 (C)-Berners Bay |
Negative | ||
GMU 1 (C)-Chilkat Range |
Negative | ||
GMU 1 (C)-Taku |
Negative | ||
GMU 1 (D) |
Negative | ||
GMU 3 |
Negative | ||
GMU 5(A)-Nunatak Bench |
Negative | ||
GMU 5(A)-Yakutat Forelands |
Negative | ||
GMU (B)-Malaspina Negative Forelands |
Negative | ||
GMU 6 (A) |
Negative | ||
GMU 6 (B) |
Negative | ||
GMU 6(C) |
Negative | ||
GMU 7 |
Negative | ||
GMU 9 (A) |
Negative | ||
GMU 9 (B) |
Positive |
2,000 - 2,500 |
100 - 250 |
GMU 9(C) and 9(E) |
Positive |
3,000 - 3,700 |
165 - 320 |
GMU 9 (D) |
Negative | ||
GMU 11 |
Negative | ||
GMU 12 |
Positive |
4,000 - 6,000 |
150 - 300 |
GMU 13 (A) |
Positive |
3,500 - 4,200 |
210 - 420 |
GMU 13 (B) |
Positive |
5,300 - 6,300 |
310 - 620 |
GMU 13 (C) |
Positive |
2,000 - 3,000 |
155 - 350 |
GMU 13 (D) |
Positive |
1,200 - 1,900 |
75 - 190 |
GMU 13 (E) |
Positive |
5,000 - 6,000 |
300 - 600 |
GMU 14 (A) |
Positive |
6,000 - 6,500 |
360 - 750 |
GMU 14 (B) |
Positive |
2,500 - 2,800 |
100 - 200 |
GMU 14 (C) |
Positive |
1,500 - 1,800 |
90 - 270 |
GMU 15 (A) |
Positive |
3,000 - 3,500 |
180 - 350 |
GMU 15 (B) |
Negative | ||
GMU 15 (C) |
Positive |
2,500 - 3,500 |
200 - 350 |
GMU 16 (A) |
Positive |
3,500 - 4,000 |
190 - 360 |
GMU 16 (B) (mainland) |
Positive |
6,500 - 7,500 |
310 - 600 |
GMU 16 (C) (Kalgin Is.) |
Negative | ||
GMU 17 (A) |
Negative | ||
GMU 17 (B) |
Positive |
4,900 - 6,000 |
200 - 400 |
GMU 17 (C) |
Positive |
2,800 - 3,500 |
165 - 350 |
GMU 18 |
Positive |
1,000 - 2,000 |
60 - 200 |
GMU 19(A) |
Positive |
4,300 - 5,300 |
175 - 225 |
GMU 19(B) |
Positive |
5,900 - 7,200 |
235 - 290 |
GMU 19(C) |
Positive |
4,400 - 5,000 |
175 - 200 |
GMU 19 (D) - East |
Positive |
6,000 - 8,000 |
400 - 600 |
GMU 19 (D) - Reminder |
Positive |
4,000 - 6,000 |
250 - 600 |
GMU 19 (E) |
Positive |
3,300 - 4,000 |
130 - 160 |
GMU 20 (A) |
Positive |
10,000 - 15,000 |
500 - 900 |
GMU 20 (B) |
Positive |
12,000 - 15,000 |
600 - 1,500 |
GMU 20 (C)-outside Denali |
Positive |
3,000 - 4,000 |
150 - 400 |
GMU 20 (D) |
Positive |
8,000 - 10,000 |
500 - 700 |
GMU 20 (E) |
Positive |
8,000 - 10,000 |
250 - 500 |
GMU 20 (F) |
Negative | ||
GMU 21 (A) |
Negative | ||
GMU 21 (B) |
Positive |
4,000 - 6,000 |
200 - 300 |
GMU 21 (C) |
Negative | ||
GMU 21 (D) |
Positive |
7,000 - 10,000 |
450 - 1,000 |
GMU 21 (E) |
Positive |
9,000 - 11,000 |
550 - 1,100 |
GMU 22 |
Positive |
5,100 - 6,800 |
300 - 680 |
GMU 23 |
Positive |
3,500 - 9,200 |
210 - 920 |
GMU 24 (A) |
Positive |
1,200 - 1,500 |
75 - 125 |
GMU 24 (B) |
Positive |
4,000 - 4,500 |
150 - 250 |
GMU 24 (C) |
Positive |
1,000 - 1,500 |
50 - 125 |
GMU 24 (D) |
Positive |
5,000 - 6,000 |
225 - 425 |
GMU 25 (A) |
Negative | ||
GMU 25 (B) |
Negative | ||
GMU 25 (C) |
Negative | ||
GMU 25 (D) |
Positive |
10,000 - 15,000 |
600 - 1,500 |
GMU 26 (A) |
Negative | ||
GMU 26 (B) |
Negative | ||
GMU 26 (C) |
Negative |
Authority: AS 16.05.255
AS 16.05.258
AS 16.05.270