Alaska Administrative Code
Title 5 - Fish and Game
Part 3 - Game
Chapter 92 - Statewide Provisions
Article 5 - Intensive Management and Predator Control
5 AAC 92.106 - Intensive management of identified big game prey populations
Current through November 28, 2024
For purposes of implementing AS 16.05.255(e) - (g), the Board of Game (board) will
(1) consider the following criteria when identifying big game prey populations that are important for providing high levels of human consumptive use:
(2) consider the following criteria when establishing population objectives and harvest objectives for each identified big game prey population consistent with maintaining near maximum sustainable yield from the population:
(3) find that depletion of a big game prey population or reduction of the productivity of a big game prey population has occurred when
(4) determine whether a finding made under (3) of this section may result in a significant reduction in the allowable human harvest of the population;
(5) not consider as significant:
(6) utilize active management of habitat and predation as the major tools to reverse any significant reduction in the allowable human harvest of the population.
Authority:AS 16.05.020
AS 16.05.050
AS 16.05.255