Alaska Administrative Code
Title 5 - Fish and Game
Part 3 - Game
Chapter 92 - Statewide Provisions
Article 3 - Permits
5 AAC 92.066 - Permit for access to Walrus Islands State Game Sanctuary
Current through November 28, 2024
A permit is required for access to Round Island and adjacent waters within three miles of Round Island in the Walrus Islands State Game Sanctuary (Bristol Bay-Unit 17); permits will be issued as follows:
(1) an application for a permit must be submitted as prescribed by the department;
(2) a wildlife viewing permit may be issued to an individual for a specified period of time during the period from May 1 through September 1 only; under this permit, a person entering the sanctuary shall abide by the following rules, and other conditions identified in the permit by the department, established to preserve the natural habitat, flora, and fauna of the sanctuary; as provided in AS 16.05.925, a violation of these rules is a misdemeanor and may be a basis for immediate expulsion from the sanctuary:
(3) visitor access to Round Island for wildlife viewing is allowed by permit issued on a first-come first-served basis; not more than 30 permittees may be permitted to visit Round Island each day, and not more than 15 permittees may be permitted to remain overnight; 10 of the 15 permits available for an overnight period may be issued beginning September 1 of the year prior to the permit period; the remaining five permits may not be issued more than 30 days in advance; at the discretion of the department, up to three of the 15 individual overnight permits may be issued at any time for scientific or educational purposes;
(4) an access permit for hunting may be issued under the conditions specified by the department on a case-by-case basis, subject to the application procedures and rules set out in (1) and (2) of this section, to hunting parties for the period of September 10 - October 20 only;
(5) the department may issue a sanctuary access permit subject to the conditions identified in the permit by the department to a guide, air, or boat taxi operator, or other commercial transporter or operator; unless otherwise authorized in writing by the department, all access to Round Island is allowed only through an access corridor designated by the department.
Department of Fish and Game fees for Walrus Islands State Game Sanctuary access permits are set out in 5 AAC 93.035.
Before 8/20/89, Register 111, the substance of 5 AAC 92.066 was contained in former 5 AAC 83.250. The history note for 5 AAC 92.066 includes the history of the provision before 8/20/89.
Authority:AS 16.05.255
AS 16.05.925
AS 16.20.094