(b) In addition to any
condition that the department may require under
AAC 92.052, a permit issued under this section is
subject to the following provisions:
(1) a
person may only establish a black bear bait station, or a black and brown bear
bait station in Units 7, 11, 12, 13, 14(A), 14(B), that portion of the
remainder of 14(C), excluding Glacier Creek drainage outside of Chugach State
Park, 15, 16, 18, 19, 21, 23, 24(B), 24(C), 24(D), 25(C), and 25(D) if that
person obtains a permit under this section;
(2) a person must complete a bear hunter
clinic given by the department before that person may obtain a permit from the
department under this section;
a person must be at least 18 years of age to be issued a permit;
(4) a person may not have more than two bait
stations established with bait present at any one time, except that in Units 6,
7, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14(A), 14(B), 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 24, and 25, a
registered guide-outfitter may operate up to 10 bait station sites at a time in
each guide use area that the registered guide-outfitter may conduct big game
hunting services in under AS 08.45.750, and may either personally or through
licensed class-A assistant or assistant guides establish and maintain those
sites simultaneously, if a signed big game commercial services contract under
12 AAC 75.260 is used for each
hunter that uses any of the sites;
(5) a person may not use bait or scent lures
(A) one-quarter mile of a publicly
maintained road, trail, or the Alaska Railroad;
(B) one mile of a
(i) house or other permanent dwelling, except
that bait may be used within one mile of a cabin if the cabin is on the
opposite side of a major river system, as identified by the department in the
permit, from the bear baiting station;
(ii) business; or
(iii) school; or
(C) one mile of a developed campground or
developed recreational facility;
(6) a person may not give or receive
remuneration for the use of a bait station, including barter or exchange of
goods; however, this paragraph does not apply to remuneration from a client to
a registered guide-outfitter, master guide-outfitter, or employee of the
contracting guide for providing big game hunting services;
(7) a person using bait or scent lures shall
clearly identify the site with a sign reading "bear bait station" that also
displays the person's hunting license number, and the permit number;
(8) only biodegradable materials may be used
as bait; if fish or big game is used as bait, only the head, bones, viscera, or
skin of legally harvested fish and game may be used, except that in Units 7 and
15, fish or fish parts may not be used as bait;
(9) repealed 4/8/2012;
(10) a permittee must remove bait, litter,
and equipment from the bait station site when hunting is completed;
(11) repealed 4/8/2012;
(12) repealed 7/1/2016;
(13) in Units 7, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14(A), 14(B),
15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 26(B), and 26(C), a hunter who has been
airborne may take or assist in taking a black bear at a bait station with the
use of bait or scent lures if the hunter possesses a permit issued by the
department if the hunter is at least 300 feet from the airplane at the time of
taking; in Units 7, 11, 12, 13, 14(A), 14(B), 15, 16, 18, 19, 20(A), 20(B),
20(C), that portion of 20(D) north of the Tanana River, 20(E), 20(F), 21, 23,
24(B), 24(C), 24(D), and 25(D), a hunter who has been airborne may take or
assist in taking a brown bear at a bait station with the use of bait or scent
lures if the hunter possesses a permit issued by the department if the hunter
is at least 300 feet from the airplane at the time of taking;
(14) before a person establishes a bear
baiting station and places bait at the baiting station that person shall, at
the time of registration, provide to the department the specific location of
the baiting station on a form provided by the department.
(d) In this section,
"operate" means to establish, register, bait, maintain, or hunt a bait station
(e) In this section,
"equipment" means barrels, tree stands, game cameras, and other items
associated with a bear bait station. Tree stands may be left in the field
year-round with pennission of the landowner or such other person authorized to
give permission.