Alaska Administrative Code
Title 5 - Fish and Game
Part 3 - Game
Chapter 92 - Statewide Provisions
Article 2 - Licenses, Harvest Tickets, Harvest Reports, Tags, and Fees
5 AAC 92.017 - Koyukon Potlatch Ceremony
Current through November 28, 2024
(a) The taking of big game for food outside the seasons and bag limits for the traditional Koyukon Potlatch Funerary or Mortuary Ceremony is authorized if consistent with sustained yield principles.
(b) A written permit from the department is not required for taking big game under this section.
(c) Immediately after big game is taken under this section, a tribal chief, village council president, or the chief's or president's designee, for the village in which the religious ceremony will be held, must maintain a list of the designated hunters who successfully participated in the taking of the big game animals. The list must be made available, after the hunt is completed, to an authorized representative of the department upon request.
(d) The tribal chief, village council president, or designee must notify the department as soon as practical, but not more than 15 days after the harvest, of the location of the kill and the species, sex, and number of the big game animals taken.
(e) It is an affirmative defense to a prosecution for taking big game outside the seasons or bag limit restrictions established in 5 AAC 85 that
Authority: Art. I, sec. 4,
Ak. Const.
AS 16.05.255