Alaska Administrative Code
Title 5 - Fish and Game
Part 3 - Game
Chapter 92 - Statewide Provisions
Article 2 - Licenses, Harvest Tickets, Harvest Reports, Tags, and Fees
5 AAC 92.010 - Harvest tickets and reports
Current through November 28, 2024
(a) The number of each harvest ticket issued to a hunter must be entered on the hunter's license. A harvest ticket issued the previous calendar year and still valid must also be entered on the hunting license.
(b) After killing an animal for which a harvest ticket is required, if using a harvest ticket in paper form, the hunter shall remove immediately, before leaving the kill site, the day and month of the kill from the harvest ticket without removing any other day or month, and shall keep the validated harvest ticket in possession until the animal has been delivered to the location where it will be processed for human consumption; if using a harvest ticket in electronic form, the hunter shall immediately, before caving the kill site, validate the harvest ticket by electronic means as directed by the department for the day and month of the kill, and shall keep the validated harvest ticket in possession until the animal has been delivered to the location where it will be processed for human consumption.
(c) Within 15 days after taking the bag limit for a species or, if the hunter does not take the bag limit, within 15 days after the close of the season, the hunter shall submit a completed harvest report to the department. A person may not falsify any fact on a harvest report submitted to the department under this subsection.
(d) A hunter who is younger than 10 years of age may not be issued a big game harvest ticket.
(e) For a permit hunt, the permit takes the place of a harvest ticket and report.
(f) For deer, a person may not hunt deer, except in a permit hunt, unless the person has in possession a deer harvest ticket, and in Units 1 - 6, and 8 has obtained a harvest report (issued with the harvest ticket). In Units 1 - 6 and Unit 8, a person must
(g) For caribou, a person may not hunt caribou, except in a permit hunt, unless the person has in possession a harvest ticket and has obtained a harvest report (issued with the harvest ticket); however, a person who resides north of the Yukon River and is hunting in Unit 18 north of the Yukon-River, Unit 23, or Unit 26(A) is not required to use harvest tickets or harvest reports but must register to hunt caribou in Unit 18 north of the Yukon River, Unit 23, or Unit 26(A).
(h) For moose and sheep, a person may not hunt moose or sheep, except in a permit hunt or in the Gates of the Arctic National Park, unless the person has in possession a harvest ticket for the species and has obtained a harvest report (issued with the harvest ticket); however, a person who is hunting Dall sheep in the Gates of the Arctic National Park must register with the department.
(i) For elk, a person who takes an elk in Units 1 - 5 where a drawing or registration permit is not required shall report the sex and location of the kill to the department's division of wildlife conservation office in Petersburg within five days of harvest.
(j) Repealed 7/1/2019.
(k) Repealed 7/1/2010.
(l) For black bear, a person may not hunt black bear in Units 1 - 7, 11 - 16, and 20, except when a permit is required, unless the person has in possession a harvest ticket for the species and has obtained a harvest report (issued with the harvest ticket).
Authority: AS 16.05.255
AS 16.05.258
AS 16.05.340
AS 16.05.370