Alaska Administrative Code
Title 5 - Fish and Game
Part 2 - Sport Fishing and Personal Use Fishery
Chapter 77 - Personal Use Fishery
Article 14 - Southeastern Alaska Area
5 AAC 77.685 - Personal Use Hatchery Salmon Management Plan
Current through August 30, 2024
(a) The purpose of the personal use hatchery salmon management plan set out in (b) - (e) of this section is to allow the personal use taking of hatchery salmon in terminal locations when those salmon have not been taken in other authorized fisheries.
(b) Fishing times and locations are established by emergency order.
(c) Fishing gear is limited to beach seines, hand purse seines, gillnets, cast nets, and dip nets. Fishing seasons by gear type are established by emergency order.
(d) The daily bag and possession limits are the same as for the sport fishery specified in 5 AAC 47 and are not in addition to those limits. The department may, by commissioner's announcement, increase the bag and possession limits when conditions, such as number of fish available for harvest and effort levels, warrant.
(e) The heads of all adipose-fin-clipped salmon must be turned into ADF&G.
Authority:AS 16.05.060
AS 16.05.251