Current through November 28, 2024
(a) Salmon may be
taken for personal use under this section only under a personal use permit
issued under
AAC 77.015 and
AAC 77.525; in addition to the requirements under
AAC 77.015, a person
(1) shall, before a permit may be issued,
show the person's resident sport fish license, or proof, satisfactory to the
department, that the person is exempt from licensing under
16.05.400; the person's sport fish license
number shall be recorded on the permit;
(2) shall record all fish harvested on the
permit immediately upon harvesting the fish; for the purpose of this paragraph,
"immediately" means before concealing the salmon from plain view or
transporting the salmon from the
shoreline or streambank adjacent to waters open to personal use fishing where
the salmon were removed from the water when fishing from shore; or
(B) waters open to personal use fishing when
fishing from a boat;
shall return the permit to the department by the date specified on the
(b) Salmon may be
taken with a set gillnet in the Central District as follows:
(1) from June 15 through June 24;
(2) fishing periods will be daily from 6:00
a.m. to 11:00 p.m.;
(3) repealed
(4) salmon may be taken
only from ADF&G regulatory markers located at the mouth of the Kasilof
River to ADF&G commercial fishing regulatory markers located approximately
one mile from the mouth on either side of the Kasilof River; fishing is
prohibited beyond one mile from the mean high tide mark and is also prohibited
within the flowing waters or over the streambed or channel of the Kasilof River
at any stage of the tide;
salmon may be taken only by set gillnets as follows:
(A) a set gillnet may not exceed 10 fathoms
in length, six inches in mesh size, and 45 meshes in depth;
(B) no part of a set gillnet may be operated
within 100 feet of another set gillnet;
(C) a person may not operate more than one
set gillnet; the permit holder shall attend the set gillnet at all times when
it is being used to take fish;
only one set gillnet may be operated per household;
(6) the annual limit is as specified in
AAC 77.525.
(c) Salmon may be taken by dip net in the
Kenai and Kasilof Rivers as follows:
(1) in
the Kenai River, as follows:
(A) from July 10
through July 31, seven days per week, from 6:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m.; the
commissioner may extend, by emergency order, the personal use fishery to 24
hours per day if the department determines that the abundance of the Kenai
River late-run sockeye salmon is greater than 2,300,000 fish;
(B) the annual limit is as specified in
AAC 77.525, except that only one king salmon 20 inches
or greater in length, and no more than 10 king salmon less than 20 inches in
length, may be retained per household; notwithstanding
AAC 21.359(e)(2), king salmon less
than 20 inches in length may be retained; a person may not remove a king salmon
from the water before releasing the fish;
(C) from a boat, in the area from an
ADF&G regulatory marker located near the Kenai city dock upstream to the
downstream side of the Warren Ames Bridge, except that salmon may not be taken
from a boat powered by a two-stroke motor other than a motor manufactured as a
direct fuel injection motor;
from shore:
(i) from ADF&G regulatory
markers located on the Cook Inlet beaches outside the terminus of the river
upstream to a line at the mouth of the Kenai River from No Name Creek on the
north shore to an ADF & G regulatory marker on the south shore;
(ii) from the south shore only,
from the upstream side of the Kenai Landing dock upstream to the downstream
side of the Warren Ames Bridge;
(2) in the Kasilof River, as follows:
(A) from June 25 through August 7, 24 hours
per day;
(B) the annual limit is as
specified in
AAC 77.525, except that king salmon may not be
retained and any king salmon caught must be released immediately and returned
to the water unharmed;
(C) from a
line between ADF&G regulatory markers outside the terminus of the river on
the north shore beach at 60° 23.25' N. lat., 151° 17.98' W. long., and
on the south shore beach at 60° 23.27' N. lat., 151° 18.64' W. long.,
upstream for a distance of one mile.
(d) Salmon may be taken by dip net in Fish
Creek only as follows:
(1) the commissioner
may open, by emergency order, the personal use dip net fishery in Fish Creek
from July 15 through July 31, if the department projects that the escapement of
sockeye salmon into Fish Creek will be more than 35,000 fish; fishing periods
will be daily from 6:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m.;
(2) the annual limit is as specified in
AAC 77.525, except that no king salmon may be retained
and any king salmon caught must be returned to the water unharmed;
(3) from a boat or shore, in those waters
upstream from ADF&G regulatory markers located on both sides of the
terminus of Fish Creek, to ADF&G regulatory markers located approximately
one-quarter mile upstream from Knik-Goose Bay Road.
(f) A person may retain flounder incidentally
caught when fishing for salmon in the Cook Inlet Area under this section. A
person may retain up to 10 flounder under this subsection per year and must
record those flounder retained by the person on that person's permit specified
in (a) of this section.
(g) In the
Beluga River, salmon may be taken by dip net only as follows:
(1) salmon, other than king salmon, may be
taken only by a person 60 years of age or older; a person authorized to take
salmon under this subsection may not authorize a proxy to take or attempt to
take salmon on behalf of that person under
AAC 77.016 and
(2) from July 10 through August 31, the
fishery is open 24 hours per day from an ADF&G regulatory marker located
approximately one-quarter mile upstream of the Beluga River Bridge, downstream
to an ADF&G regulatory marker located approximately one mile below the
(3) the annual limit is as
specified in
AAC 77.525, except that within the total annual limit
one king salmon may be retained per household;
(4) the commissioner will close, by emergency
order, the fishery when 500 salmon, other than king salmon, have been
(5) a permit holder for
this fishery shall report weekly to the department as specified in the
(h) Salmon may be
taken by dip net in the Susitna River, only as follows:
(1) from July 10 through July 31, Wednesday
6:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m., Saturday 6:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m.; the department may
alter the time, or area of, or close the fishery, based on salmon abundance;
the commissioner may, by emergency order, extend the personal use fishery
through August 31 if the department projects that both sockeye and coho
abundance will be above the upper end of all Susitna River escapement goals for
sockeye and coho salmon;
between ADF&G regulatory markers located approximately one mile downstream
from Susitna Station downstream to ADF&G regulatory markers located near
the northern tip of Bell Island/Alexander Creek cutoff, except the waters of
Anderson Creek and between ADF&G regulatory markers located approximately
300 feet downstream and 50 feet upstream of the mouth of Anderson Creek are
closed to dipnetting;
(3) the
annual limit, as specified in
AAC 77.525, except that no king salmon may be
retained, and any king salmon caught must not be removed from the water and
must be returned to the water immediately; a northern pike caught may not be
released back into the water alive as specified in
AAC 61.110(a)(8);
(4) a permit holder for this fishery shall
report to the department as specified in permit conditions.