Alaska Administrative Code
Title 5 - Fish and Game
Part 2 - Sport Fishing and Personal Use Fishery
Chapter 75 - Statewide Provisions
Article 4 - Fishing Services and Sport Fishing Guides
5 AAC 75.085 - Guided sport ecotourism requirements
Current through August 30, 2024
Except as otherwise provided, guided sport ecotourism fishing may occur only as follows:
(1) the owner of a business conducting sport fishing services in a guided sport ecotourism fishery shall obtain an annual sport fishing operator registration as specified in 5 AAC 75.075;
(2) a person holding a valid sport fishing guide registration must be present at all times when gear or fish are being handled;
(3) a person on board a vessel engaged in ecotourism fishing may handle gear or fish only if the person is a holder of a sport fishing license;
(4) all requirements of the applicable sport fishery apply except that all participants must comply with rules relating to nonresidents regardless of residency;
(5) unless otherwise permitted, all fish taken must be immediately released unharmed;
(6) the owner of a business conducting sport fishing services and a sport fishing guide must comply with applicable requirements for their industry.
Authority:AS 16.05.251