Alaska Administrative Code
Title 5 - Fish and Game
Part 2 - Sport Fishing and Personal Use Fishery
Chapter 62 - West Cook Inlet Area
5 AAC 62.122 - Special provisions for the seasons, bag, possession, and size limits, and methods and means for the West Cook Inlet Area
Current through August 30, 2024
Unless otherwise specified by an emergency order issued under AS 16.05.060, the following are localized additions and exceptions to seasons, bag, possession, and size limits, and methods and means specified in 5 AAC 62.120 and 5 AAC 75 for the West Cook Inlet Area:
(1) in drainages between the Susitna River and the West Foreland,
(2) in drainages between the West Foreland and Cape Douglas, after taking a bag limit of coho salmon 16 inches or greater in length, a person may not sport fish for any species of finfish during that same day;
(3) in drainages from the West Foreland south to the latitude of the southern tip of Chisik Island at 60º 05.66' N. lat., from September 1 - May 15, in flowing waters, only unbaited, artificial lures may be used;
(4) in drainages south of the latitude of the southern tip of Chisik Island at 60º 05.66' N. lat. to the latitude of Cape Douglas at 58º 51.10' N. lat., in flowing waters, from July 15 - May 15, only unbaited, artificial lures may be used;
(5) the Chuitna River drainage is closed to sport fishing for king salmon;
(6) the Clearwater Creek drainage, including Roscoe Creek, is closed to sport fishing upstream from an ADF&G regulatory marker located approximately one-half mile upstream of its confluence with the Chinitna River;
(7) the Lewis River is closed to sport fishing for king salmon;
(8) the McNeil River is closed to sport fishing within one-half mile of McNeil River Falls (approximately one mile upstream from McNeil Lagoon);
(9) Shelter Creek is closed to sport fishing upstream from an ADF&G regulatory marker located approximately one mile upstream from its mouth;
(10) Silver Salmon Lake and Silver Salmon Creek within one-half mile of its outlet at Silver Salmon Lake are closed to sport fishing for salmon;
(11) the Theodore River drainage is closed to sport fishing for king salmon;
(12) Threemile Creek is closed to sport fishing for salmon upstream from the Beluga Tyonek Road culvert to Threemile/Tukhallah Lake;
(13) Threemile/Tukhallah Lake is
(14) Wolverine Creek, including Big River Lake within a 500-yard radius of the mouth of Wolverine Creek, from June 1 - July 31, is fly-fishing-only waters;
(15) repealed 6/21/2020;
(16) the Beluga River drainage is closed to sport fishing for king salmon;
(17) the south fork of Big River is closed to sportfishing upstream from an ADF&G regulatory marker located at the first island approximately three-fourths of a mile upstream from the confluence at Otter Lake.
Authority:AS 16.05.060
AS 16.05.251