Alaska Administrative Code
Title 5 - Fish and Game
Part 2 - Sport Fishing and Personal Use Fishery
Chapter 55 - Prince William Sound Area
5 AAC 55.023 - Special provisions for seasons, bag, possession, and size limits, and methods and means for the Prince William Sound Area
Current through August 30, 2024
Unless otherwise specified by an emergency order issued under AS 16.05.060, the following are special provisions to seasons, bag, possession, and size limits, and methods and means provisions under 5 AAC 55.022 in the Prince William Sound Area:
(1) the following special provisions apply to salmon, other than king salmon:
(2) snagging is prohibited
(3) the waters of Lake Bay of Ester Island inside ADF&G regulatory markers located approximately 100 feet seaward of the Ester Hatchery broodstock holding pen are closed to sport fishing;
(4) the Robe River downstream from the Richardson Highway to an ADF&G regulatory marker located approximately 100 yards downstream from the confluence with the Lowe River is a fly-fishing-only water, with a bag and possession limit of three salmon, of which only one fish may be a coho salmon and only one fish may be a sockeye salmon;
(5) Solomon Gulch Creek downstream from an ADF&G regulatory marker located approximately 300 feet downstream of the Valdez Fisheries Development Association's weir is open to salmon fishing with a bag limit of six fish and possession limit of 12 fish, of which only three per day and in possession may be coho salmon;
(6) Repealed 3/29/2015;
(7) in the Eyak River from a point 200 yards upstream from the Eyak Lake water control structure to a point 200 yards downstream from the bridge at the outlet of Eyak Lake, from June 1 - September 30, only single-hook, artificial flies with a gap between the point and the shank of 3/8 inch or less with no additional weight attached to the line may be used;
(8) the following waters of the Prince William Sound Area are closed to sport fishing for salmon:
(9) Ibeck Creek is closed to sport fishing in the waters upstream from ADF&G regulatory markers located approximately three miles upstream from the Copper River Highway Bridge;
(10) in Main Bay, sport fishing is prohibited from a vessel that is
Authority:AS 16.05.060
AS 16.05.251