Alaska Administrative Code
Title 5 - Fish and Game
Part 1 - Commercial and Subsistence Fishing and Private Nonprofit Salmon Hatcheries
Chapter 38 - Miscellaneous Shellfish Fishery
Article 2 - General Specifications and Restrictions
5 AAC 38.076 - Alaska Scallop Fishery Management Plan
Current through August 30, 2024
(a) The requirements of the management plan contained in this section apply to vessels commercially fishing for scallops.
(b) The following scallop registration areas are established:
(c) A person may use a vessel to take scallops only in a scallop registration area and the waters of the exclusive economic zone adjacent to the scallop registration area and only if the owner or the owner's authorized agent has registered the vessel with the department for that scallop registration area. In this subsection, "exclusive economic zone" means all of the waters adjacent to a scallop registration area and seaward to a boundary that is a line drawn in such a manner that each point on it is 200 nautical miles from the baseline from which the territorial sea is measured.
(d) A vessel may be registered to take scallops in only one scallop registration area at a time, except that the department may permit a vessel to register for one additional registration area as follows:
(e) In addition to the other requirements of this section, a person who takes scallops other than weathervane scallops, and a person who takes weathervane scallops when a permit is required under this chapter, must obtain a permit issued by the department which might include:
(f) Unless otherwise provided by permit issued under (e) of this section, scallops may be taken only as follows:
(g) The department may require a vessel fishing in a scallop fishery with a guideline harvest range established by regulation to carry an onboard observer as specified in 5 AAC 39.141 - 5 AAC 39.144, 5 AAC 39.146, and 5 AAC 39.645 - 5 AAC 39.646, unless the department determines that carrying an observer in that fishery will not serve the purposes of the onboard observer program. The department shall require a vessel fishing in a scallop fishery without a guideline harvest range established by regulation to carry an onboard observer as specified in 5 AAC 39.141 - 5 AAC 39.144, 5 AAC 39.146, and 5 AAC 39.645 - 5 AAC 39.646.
(h) Fishing seasons, open and closed areas, and guideline harvest ranges for taking weathervane scallops are set out in 5 AAC 38.120, 5 AAC 38.167, 5 AAC 38.168, 5 AAC 38.180, 5 AAC 38.220, 5 AAC 38.221, 5 AAC 38.224, 5 AAC 38.320, 5 AAC 38.324, 5 AAC 38.420, 5 AAC 38.425, and 5 AAC 38.430.
(i) Weathervane scallops may be shucked by hand only. A mechanical shucking machine may not be on board a vessel that is fishing for weathervane scallops.
(j) A vessel that is fishing for weathervane scallops may have on board no more than 12 persons who are crew members of the vessel. For the purpose of this subsection, "crew member" means a person who is involved with the operations of the vessel, and includes a captain, mate, engineer, cook, deckhand and processing worker, but does not include an onboard observer.
(k) The commissioner may establish bycatch limits for crab in the scallop fishery.
(l) A CFEC permit holder must check in with the department before fishing, and check out before departing the management area. Check in and check out contacts will be specified by the department at the time of registration.
(m) Catch reports must be submitted to the applicable area office as specified by the department at the time of registration.
(n) A vessel operator and crew members must give all king crab that are caught to the onboard observer.
(o) Log sheets, issued by the department, must be completed after each tow and returned to the department either by mail or facsimile as specified by the department at the time of registration.
(p) Fish tickets must be completed on a weekly basis by the vessel operator and submitted to a local representative of the department within seven days after off-loading product. The reporting week begins at 12:01 a.m. Monday through 11:59 p.m. Sunday. Each fish ticket must document the number of tows and pounds of scallop meats harvested, by statistical area.
Copies of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) charts adopted by reference in 5 AAC 38.076(b) can be viewed, downloaded, and purchased at NOAA's website at In addition, the charts are available for inspection at the Lieutenant Governor's Office, Juneau, Alaska.
Authority:AS 16.05.251