Alaska Administrative Code
Title 5 - Fish and Game
Part 1 - Commercial and Subsistence Fishing and Private Nonprofit Salmon Hatcheries
Chapter 38 - Miscellaneous Shellfish Fishery
Article 2 - General Specifications and Restrictions
5 AAC 38.062 - Permits for octopi, squid, hair crab, sea urchins, sea cucumbers, sea snails, and other marine invertebrates
Current through August 30, 2024
(a) Unless otherwise specified in 5 AAC 03 - 5 AAC 39, marine invertebrates, except king crab, Tanner crab, Dungeness crab, clams, scallops, and spot, coonstripe, sidestripe, and pink shrimp, and krill (species of the Order Euphausiacea), may be taken only under the authority of a permit issued by the commissioner or the commissioner's authorized designee.
(b) The permit may
(c) The commissioner may require an application for a permit.
(d) The commissioner may refuse or terminate a permit if the commissioner finds that the terms of the permit have been violated or that the harvest operations jeopardize the sustained viability of the resource.
(e) The commissioner will not issue a permit under this section to take corals and sponges.
In accordance with the procedures adopted by the Board of Fisheries in 5 AAC 39.210, the board, at its March 14 - 28, 1994 meeting, approved, without change, the commissioner of fish and game's amendment of 5 AAC 38.062(a), which took effect 6/27/93.
Authority:AS 16.05.251