Alaska Administrative Code
Title 5 - Fish and Game
Part 1 - Commercial and Subsistence Fishing and Private Nonprofit Salmon Hatcheries
Chapter 34 - King Crab Fishery
Article 9 - Registration Area K (Kodiak)
5 AAC 34.405 - Description of Registration Area K districts
Current through November 28, 2024
(a) Northeast District: all waters of Registration Area K northeast of a line extending from Cape Barnabas at 57° 09.07' N. lat, 152° 52.20' W. long, to a point offshore at 53° 26.20' N. lat., 151° 29,10' W. long., east of 153° 16.00' W. long, in Sitkalidak Strait, east of a line between Inner Point and Afognak Point along 152° 47.75' W. long., east of 152° 30.00' W. long, in Shuyak Strait, and east of a line extending north from Shuyak Island along 152° 20.00' W. long.
(b) Southeast District: all waters of Registration Area K west of 153° 16.00' W. long, in Sitkalidak Strait, west of a line extending from Cape Barnabas at 57° 09.07' N. lat., 152° 52.20' W. long, to a point offshore at 53° 26.20* N. lat., 151° 29.10' W. long., east of 156° 20.22' W. long.j and south of a line extending from Cape Trinity at 56° 44.80' N. lat., 154° 08.90' W. long, to a point offshore at 55° 23.23* N. lat.. 156° 20.22' W. long.
(c) Southwest District: all waters of Registration Area K west of a line extending from Cape Trinity at 56° 44.80' N. lat., 154° 08.90' W. long, to a point offshore at 55° 23.23' N. lat., 156° 20.22' W. long., east of 156° 20.22' W. long., and south of a line from Cape Ikolik at 57° 17.40' N. lat., 154° 47.40' W. long, to the Alaska Peninsula, near Kilokak Rocks, at 57° 10.34' N. lat., 156° 20.22' W. long.a including all of Alitak Bay and Olga Bay.
(d) Semidi Island District: all waters of Registration Area K west of a line extending south from the Alaska Peninsula, near Kilokak Rocks, along 156° 20.22' W. long. and east of a line extending south from Cape Kumlik along 157° 27.00' W. long.
(e) Shelik of District: all waters of Registration Area K north of a line from Cape Ikolik at 57° 17.40' N. lat., 154° 47.40' W. long. to the Alaska Peninsula, near Kilokak Rocks, at 57° 10.34' N. lat., 156° 20.22' W. long., west of a line between Inner Point and Afognak Point along 152° 47.75' W. long., west of 152° 30.00' W. long. in Shuyak Strait, and west of a line extending north from Shuyak Island along 152° 20.00' W. long.
Authority:AS 16.05.251