Alaska Administrative Code
Title 5 - Fish and Game
Part 1 - Commercial and Subsistence Fishing and Private Nonprofit Salmon Hatcheries
Chapter 34 - King Crab Fishery
Article 5 - Registration Area A (Southeastern)
5 AAC 34.125 - Lawful gear for Registration Area A
Current through November 28, 2024
(a) King crab may be taken only by king crab pots, except that golden king crab taken in Tanner crab pots as described in 5 AAC 35.125(f) may be retained if the CFEC permit holder fishing for Tanner crab is also registered to fish for golden king crab and both crab fisheries are open at the same time. King crab taken by other means must be returned to the water without further harm.
(b) The following king crab pot limits are in effect in Registration Area A:
(c) A king crab pot must have either at least the bottom one-third of one vertical surface of a square pot, or sloping sidewall surface of a conical or pyramid pot, composed of not less than nine-inch stretch mesh webbing or have at least four circular escape rings of six and one-quarter inches minimum inside diameter. The lowest edge of each escape ring must be within eight inches of the top of the bottom web bar on the pot. One ring must be installed in each quadrant of the pot. Escape rings or stretch mesh webbing must be so located on the vertical or sloping sidewall surface to permit the escapement of undersize crab.
(d) In Registration Area A, a registered king crab vessel may not have, at any time in the aggregate, more than the legal limit of gear on board the vessel, in the water in fishing condition, and in the water in non-fishing condition.
(e) A vessel engaged in taking or transporting king crab may not have on board an otter trawl with a ground line or headline longer than 60 feet.
Authority:AS 16.05.251