Alaska Administrative Code
Title 5 - Fish and Game
Part 1 - Commercial and Subsistence Fishing and Private Nonprofit Salmon Hatcheries
Chapter 27 - Herring Fishery
Article 7 - Cook Inlet Area (Registration Area H)
5 AAC 27.465 - Kamishak Bay District Herring Management Plan
Current through August 30, 2024
(a) The purpose of the Kamishak Bay District herring management plan under this section is to promote and maintain the viability of the herring stock in the Kamishak Bay District and stabilize the commercial fishery targeting the herring stock by using conservative management strategies that support a biologically sound and sustainable commercial fishery. This management plan describes the management strategies used to set and implement the guideline harvest levels for the Kamishak Bay sac roe fishery.
(b) The management year for the Kamishak Bay herring stock is July 1 through June 30.
(c) Repealed 6/5/2020.
(d) The guideline harvest level for the Kamishak Bay sac roe fishery will be based on the projected biomass as determined by the most recent aerial surveys, age class composition, historical mortality, recruitment trends, and other relevant data that is collected by the department.
(e) The maximum allowable exploitation rate for the Kamishak Bay herring stock is 15 percent of the spawning biomass. The department will determine the exploitation rate based on the age class structure of the forecasted biomass, the degree of biomass uncertainty as measured by the adequacy of recent years' aerial survey conditions and coverage, and the following guidelines:
(f) The management strategy for the Kamishak Bay sac roe fishery is to target older age classes of herring, and to limit the exploitation rate of recruit age herring, which are fish age five and younger, to 10 percent or less. In order to provide maximum protection to recruit age herring, a further reduction of the exploitation rates set out in (e) of this section, or a complete closure of the affected fisheries, may be implemented if the biomass projection, or inseason test fishing, indicates a higher percentage of fish are recruit age herring.
Authority:AS 16.05.251