Alaska Administrative Code
Title 5 - Fish and Game
Part 1 - Commercial and Subsistence Fishing and Private Nonprofit Salmon Hatcheries
Chapter 24 - Prince William Sound Area
Article 2 - Fishing Districts and Subdistricts
5 AAC 24.200 - Fishing districts and subdistricts
Current through August 30, 2024
(a) Copper River District: waters surrounding Hinchinbrook Island between the tip of Hook Point at 60° 20.11' N. lat., 146° 15.02' W. long., and Boswell Rock at 60° 24.76' N. lat., 146° 06.28' W. long., including Boswell Bay, and waters south and east of a line from Boswell Rock at 60° 24.76' N. lat., 146° 06.28' W. long., to 60° 28.02' N. lat., 145° 57.57' W. long., and west of a line from a point on the mainland at 60° 10.32' N. lat., 144° 35.49' W. long. to the northernmost tip of Fox Island at 60° 10.13' N. lat., 144° 36.01' W. long. and then extending south from Fox Island along 144° 36.12' W. long.
(b) Bering River District: waters west of 144° W. long. and east of a line from a point on the mainland at 60° 10.32' N. lat., 144° 35.49' W. long. to the northernmost tip of Fox Island at 60° 10.13' N. lat., 144° 36.01' W. long., and then extending south from Fox Island along 144° 36.12' W. long.
(c) Eastern District: waters north and east of a line from Shepard Point to Salmo Point and south and west along the shore to a point at 60° 35.95' N. lat., 145° 47.67' W. long., to a point at 60° 36.87' N. lat., 146° 58.73' W. long., to Point Freemantle at 60° 55.76' N. lat., 146° 58.73' W. long.
(d) Northern District: waters north and west of a line from Point Freemantle at 60° 55.76' N. lat .. 146° 58.73' W. long., to 60° 36.87' N. lat., 146° 58.73' W. long., to the northern tip of the Eshamy District at 60° 36.87' N. lat., 148° 06.13' W. long., to the eastern shore of Culross Island at 60° 38.88' N. lat., 148° 06.56' W. long., excluding waters of the Northwestern, Coghill, and Unakwik districts.
(e) Unakwik District: waters of Unakwik Inlet north of 61° 00.97' N. lat.
(f) Coghill District: waters north and east of a line from Point Pigot at 60° 48.21' N. lat., 148° 20.90' W. long. to a point on the mainland shore at 60° 45.85' N. lat., 148° 13.73' W. long., to a point west of Point Culross at 60° 45.61' N. lat., 148° 11 .75' W. long., continuing east along the shore to Point Culross at 60° 45.44' N. lat., 148° 08.81' W. long., to a point west of Culross Light at 60° 45.06' N. lat., 148° 08.04' W. long., to Point Perry at 60° 45.02' N. lat., 147° 57.69' W. long., to the west island of the Bald Head Chris Islands at 60° 47.90' N. lat., 147° 51.77' W. long., to a point on the mainland at 60° 49.27' N. lat., 147° 51.20' W. long.
(g) Northwestern District: waters south and west of a line from Point Pigot at 60° 48.21' N. lat., 148° 20.90' W. long., to a point on the mainland hore at 60° 45.85' N. lat., 148° 13.73' W. long., to a point west of Point Culross at 60° 45.61' N. lat., 148° 11.75' W. long., and from Point Culross at 60° 45.44' N. lat., 148° 08.81' W. long., to a point west ofCulross Light at 60° 45.06' N. lat., 148° 08.04' W. long., and from a point on the eastern shore of Culross Island at 60° 38.88' N. lat., 148° 06.56' W. long., to the northern tip of the Eshamy District at 60° 36.87' N. lat., 148° 06.13' W. long., including Culross Passage and waters of Culross Bay.
(h) Eshamy District: waters east of a line from the entrance to Port Nellie Juan at 60° 35.87' N. lat., 148° 06.13' W. long. to a point approximately one mile offshore at 60° 36.87' N. lat., 148° 06.13' W. long. to 60° 36.52' N. lat., 148° 03.68' W. long. to 60° 30.68' N. lat., 147° 55.93' W. long. to 60° 26.12' N. lat., 147° 54.12' W. long. to 60° 24.00' N. Lat., 147° 56.63' W. long. to 60° 24.00' N. lat., 147° 58.90' W. long. to Granite Point at 60° 24.94' N. lat., 147° 57.97' W. long.
(i) Southwestern District: state waters south and west of a line from a point at 60° 36.87' N. lat., 148° 06.13' W. long., to a point at 60° 36.87' N. lat., 146° 58.73' W. long., to a point at 60° 17.94' N. lat., 147° 33.94' W. long., to a point at 59° 59.47' N. lat., 147° 47.52' W. long., to a point at 59° 50.93' N. lat., 148° 02.27' W. long., excluding the Eshamy and Northwestern districts.
(j) Montague District: state waters south and east of a line from a point at 60° 36.87' N. lat., 146° 58.73' W. long., to a point at 60° 17.94' N. lat., 147° 33.94' W. long., to a point at 59° 59.47' N. lat., 147° 47.52' W. long., to a point at 59° 50.93' N. lat., 148° 02.27' W. long., and west of a line from a point at 60° 36.87' N. lat., 146° 58. 73' W. long., to a point at 60° 12.86' N. lat., 146° 45.08' W. long., and waters surrounding Middleton Island and adjacent islands.
(k) Southeastern District: state waters south and east of a line from Shepard Point, to Salmo point, and south and west along the shore to a point at 60° 35.95' N. lat., 145° 47.67' W. long., to a point at 60° 36.87' N. lat., 146° 58.73' W. long., to a point at 60° 12.86' N. lat., 146° 45.08' W. long., excluding the Copper River and Bering River districts.
Authority:AS 16.05.251