Alaska Administrative Code
Title 5 - Fish and Game
Part 1 - Commercial and Subsistence Fishing and Private Nonprofit Salmon Hatcheries
Chapter 18 - Kodiak Area
Article 3 - Salmon Fishery
5 AAC 18.365 - Eastside Afognak Salmon Management Plan
Current through November 28, 2024
(a) The goal of the management plan set out in this section is to achieve escapement and harvest objectives of sockeye, pink, coho, and chum salmon returning to natural spawning systems in the Raspberry Strait, Southeast Afognak, Duck Bay, Izhut Bay, and Kitoi Bay Sections, and broodstock to Kitoi Bay hatchery. It is the intent of the board that salmon bound to these systems be harvested by the commercial fisheries located in these sections.
(b) The Southeast Afognak Section shall be managed based on sockeye salmon returning to Afognak Lake from June 1 through July 5. From July 6 through August 24, fishing opportunities will be based on pink salmon returning to major systems in Afognak, Kazakof (Danger), and Marka Bays. After August 24, fishing time will be dependent on coho salmon returning to the Southeast Afognak Section.
(c) The Duck Bay Section shall be managed based on early chum or sockeye salmon returns to Kitoi Bay hatchery from June 1 through July 18. From July 19 through August 24, fishing time will be based on returning mixed wild and hatchery pink salmon. After August 24, the Duck Bay Section shall be managed on local coho salmon runs.
(d) The Izhut Bay Section shall be managed based on the early chum or sockeye salmon returning to Kitoi Bay hatchery from June 1 through July 26. Fishing time the Izhut Bay Section will depend on returning wild and hatchery pink salmon from July 27 through August 24. After August 24, fishing time will be dependent on returns of local coho salmon and hatchery-bound sockeye or coho salmon runs. Throughout the season, fishing time may be restricted in order to meet cost recovery goals for hatchery-bound chum, sockeye, pink, or coho salmon.
(e) The Inner and Outer Kitoi Bay Sections shall be managed based on early-run chum or sockeye salmon returning to the Kitoi Bay hatchery from June 1 through July 26. From June 18 through July 26, fishing opportunities will not occur in the Inner Kitoi Bay Section until chum or sockeye salmon broodstock requirements for the hatchery are assured. From July 27 through August 24, the Inner and Outer Kitoi Bay Sections shall be managed for pink salmon broodstock requirements. Fishing time may occur if the pink salmon broodstock requirements are not jeopardized. After August 24, fishing opportunities may be provided to harvest returning late sockeye and coho salmon that exceed broodstock needs. Throughout the season, fishing time may be restricted in order to meet cost recovery goals for hatchery-bound chum, sockeye, pink, or coho salmon.
(f) The Raspberry Strait Section shall remain closed to fishing until July 6. From July 6 through August 24, the Raspberry Strait Section shall be managed based on local and mixed Kodiak pink salmon returns. After August 24, the Raspberry Strait Section shall be managed based on returns of coho salmon to streams located within the Raspberry Strait Section.
Authority:AS 16.05.060
AS 16.05.251