Alaska Administrative Code
Title 5 - Fish and Game
Part 1 - Commercial and Subsistence Fishing and Private Nonprofit Salmon Hatcheries
Chapter 12 - Aleutian Islands Area
Article 2 - Fishing Districts and Sections
5 AAC 12.200 - Description of districts and sections
Current through November 28, 2024
(a) Akutan District: all waters between Scotch Cap and Cape Sarichef Light and extending west to and including Akutan Pass. South of Scotch Cap, the eastern boundary of the district is a line extending from Scotch Cap through the easternmost tip of Ugamak Island.
(b) Unalaska District: all waters west of Akutan Pass to and including Umnak Pass
(c) Umnak District: waters west of Umnak Pass to Seguam Pass at 172º 50.00' W. long.
(d) Adak District: waters west of Atka Pass at 175º 23.00' W. long. to the terminus of the Aleutian Islands.
(e) Pribilof Islands District: all waters of Alaska surrounding the Pribilof Islands.
Authority:AS 16.05.251