Alaska Administrative Code
Title 5 - Fish and Game
Part 1 - Commercial and Subsistence Fishing and Private Nonprofit Salmon Hatcheries
Chapter 09 - Alaska Peninsula Area
Article 3 - Salmon Fishery
5 AAC 09.369 - Northern District Salmon Fisheries Management Plan
Current through November 28, 2024
(a) The purpose of this management plan is to provide guidelines to the department for the management of salmon stocks in the Northern District of the Alaska Peninsula Management Area.
(b) The department shall manage the Northern District salmon fisheries on the basis of salmon abundance as determined by escapement information and catch-per-unit-effort information. The department shall manage each section of the Northern District as specified in this management plan and 5 AAC 09.320.
(c) In the Black Hills Section,
(d) The Caribou Flats Section is closed to commercial salmon fishing.
(e) In the Nelson Lagoon Section,
(f) In the Herendeen-Moller Bay Section, fishing periods for pink and chum salmon stocks may be modified so that pink salmon fishing periods will not jeopardize local chum salmon stocks.
(g) In the Port Moller Bight Section, fishing periods may be modified based on the abundance of Bear River sockeye salmon stocks.
(h) In the Bear River Section, fishing periods may be modified based on sockeye salmon escapement to the Bear and Sandy Rivers. Before taking management actions in the Bear River Section during June, such as modification of fishing time and area by emergency order, the commissioner shall consider the king salmon runs into the King Salmon, Bear, and Sandy Rivers.
(i) In the Three Hills Section before July 21, fishing periods may be modified based on the abundance of sockeye salmon stocks in the Bear, Sandy, and Ilnik Rivers. Beginning July 21, fishing periods in the Three Hills Section may be modified based on the abundance of sockeye salmon stocks in the Bear and Sandy Rivers. When sockeye salmon escapement objectives in the Bear or Sandy Rivers are not being met, the commissioner may close, by emergency order, a portion of the Bear River and Three Hills Sections. If sockeye salmon escapements into the Ilnik River, or the Ocean River when the Ocean River flows directly into the Bering Sea, are not being met and area closures in the Ilnik Section are not effective for meeting the sockeye salmon escapement goals, the commissioner may close, by emergency order, the eastern portion of the Three Hills Section.
(j) In the Ilnik Section,
(k) In the Inner Port Heiden Section, fishing periods may be modified based on the abundance of king salmon stocks during May and June, sockeye salmon stocks during July, and coho salmon stocks after July.
(l) The Outer Port Heiden Section is open from June 20 through July 31 to commercial salmon fishing in those waters west of a line from 57º 05.52' N. lat., 158º 34.45' W. long. to 57º 08.85' N. lat., 158º 37.50' W. long. based on the abundance of Meshik River sockeye salmon. If the commissioner closes the portion of the Egegik District as specified in 5 AAC 06.359(c) for the conservation of Ugashik River sockeye salmon stocks, the commissioner may, by emergency order, close the Outer Port Heiden Section, and immediately reopen the Outer Port Heiden Section, with additional fishing restrictions that the commissioner determines necessary.
(m) In the Cinder River Section, fishing periods may be modified based on the abundance of king salmon stocks during May and June, sockeye salmon stocks during July, and coho salmon stocks after July.
(n) From June 20 through July 31, the department shall manage the Bear River, Three Hills, and Ilnik Sections to conserve Bear River and Nelson River sockeye salmon stocks by allowing the passage of sockeye salmon from the northeast to the southwest of the Northern District as described in this subsection. Notwithstanding the provisions of 5 AAC 09.320, from June 20 through July 31, the commissioner shall, by emergency order, establish fishing periods for the Bear River and Three Hills Sections and that portion of the Ilnik Section between the longitude of Unangashak Bluffs and the longitude of Three Hills at 159° 49.45' W. long., during which the waters that are between the three-mile seaward boundary line, described in 5 AAC 09.301, and a line that is one and one-half miles shoreward of the three-mile seaward boundary are closed for one 24-hour period during a seven-day period. The waters located to the southwest of the open waters where a 24-hour closure has occurred will have sequential closures that allow fishing only in the waters out to the one and one-half mile line described in this subsection for the first 24 hours of an open fishing period. The provisions of this subsection do not apply after December 31, 2018.
Authority:AS 16.05.060
AS 16.05.251