Alaska Administrative Code
Title 5 - Fish and Game
Part 1 - Commercial and Subsistence Fishing and Private Nonprofit Salmon Hatcheries
Chapter 09 - Alaska Peninsula Area
Article 3 - Salmon Fishery
5 AAC 09.365 - South Unimak and Shumagin Islands June Salmon Management Plan
Current through November 28, 2024
(a) The South Unimak and Shumagin Islands June fisheries harvest both sockeye salmon and chum salmon in a mixed stock fishery during the month of June. The sockeye salmon are predominantly Bristol Bay and Alaska Peninsula origin. The chum salmon are bound for a number of areas, including Japan, Russia, the Arctic-Yukon-Kuskokwim, Bristol Bay, the Alaska Peninsula, and southcentral Alaska. These salmon stocks have historically been harvested along the south Alaska Peninsula during the month of June. This management plan is intended to be consistent with the Policy for the Management of Sustainable Salmon Fisheries (5 AAC 39.222) and the Policy for the Management of Mixed Stock Salmon Fisheries (5 AAC 39.220).
(b) The South Unimak fishery takes place in the Unimak District, the Southwestern District, the East Pavlof Bay and the West Pavlof Bay Sections of the South Central District, and the Bechevin Bay Section of the Northwestern District.
(c) The Shumagin Islands fishery takes place in the Shumagin Islands Section.
(d) In the South Unimak and Shumagin Islands fisheries, the commissioner may establish, by emergency order, commercial fishing periods as follows:
(e) All salmon caught by a CFEC permit holder must be retained, and each CFEC permit holder must report the number of salmon caught, including those taken but not sold, on an ADF&G fish ticket. For the purposes of this subsection, "caught" means brought on board the vessel.
(f) Notwithstanding (d) of this section, commercial salmon fishing will close in the waters of the Volcano Bay Section of the Southwestern District south and east of a line from Arch Point Light at 55° 12.30' N. lat., 161° 54.30' W. long. to a point on Belkofski Peninsula at 55° 09.50' N. lat., 161° 57.80' W. long. and in the portion of the West Pavlof Bay Section south of Black Point (55° 24.48' N. lat.), if the harvest of sockeye salmon from the South Central District, the Volcano Bay Section of the Southwestern District, and the Belkofski Bay Section, excluding those waters inside of a line between Vodapoini Point and Bold Cape, reaches 191,000 sockeye salmon based on fish ticket information.
(g) Notwithstanding (d) of this section, commercial salmon fishing is closed to purse seine gear in the waters of the Volcano Bay Section of the Southwestern District, the Belkofski Bay Section of the Southwestern District, excluding those waters inside of a line between Vodapoini Point at 55° 01.88' N. lat., 162° 24.80' W. long., and Bold Cape at 55° 01.24'N. lat, 162° 16.40' W. long., and the South Central District.
(h) If chum salmon harvest equals or exceeds 300,000 fish by June 18, based on fish ticket information, the commissioner shall reduce commercial fishing time in the South Unimak and Shumagin Islands June fisheries by 44 hours during each of the remaining fishing periods in June for purse seine gear. If chum salmon harvest equals or exceeds 450,000 fish by June 23, based on fish ticket information, the commissioner shall close commercial salmon fishing in the South Unimak and Shumagin Islands June fisheries for the remainder of June for purse seine gear.
Authority:AS 16.05.060
AS 16.05.251