Alaska Administrative Code
Title 5 - Fish and Game
Part 1 - Commercial and Subsistence Fishing and Private Nonprofit Salmon Hatcheries
Chapter 09 - Alaska Peninsula Area
Article 3 - Salmon Fishery
5 AAC 09.350 - Closed waters
Current through November 28, 2024
Salmon may not be taken in the following locations:
(1) Cape Menshikof: waters of the Cinder River Section located north and east of a line extending 304º from a point on the shore at 57º 24.40' N. lat., 158º 03.00' W. long.;
(2) Cinder River Lagoon: waters enclosed by a line from 57º 20.00' N. lat., 158º 08.02' W. long. to 57º 21.30' N. lat., 158º 02.63' W. long.;
(3) Outer Port Heiden: waters of the Outer Port Heiden Section
(4) Meshik River: waters upstream from a line crossing the river from a point at 56º 47.07' N. lat., 158º 41.10' W. long. to 56º 47.97' N. lat., 158º 38.75' W. long.; this is approximately one-half nautical mile upstream from the mean high tide mark in the mouth of the river and approximately at the lower line of the permanent vegetation line;
(5) Unangashak River: waters east of 159º 15.33' W. long.;
(6) Ilnik Lagoon: waters of Ilnik Lagoon and lake west of 159º 32.00' W. long.;
(7) Sandy River:
(8) Bear River:
(9) King Salmon River:
(10) Frank's Lagoon: waters of the lagoon and within 500 yards outside the entrance;
(11) Herendeen Bay: from May 1 through July 20, waters within 500 yards of any salmon stream, unless otherwise specified in this chapter;
(12) Nelson Lagoon: waters of the lagoon and river (called Caribou, Nelson, and Lagoon River) flowing into the upper (west) end of Nelson Lagoon, upstream from a line from 55º 57.19' N. lat., 161º 21.52' W. long., to 55º 57.55' N. lat., 161º 22.09' W. long.;
(13) Caribou Flats: waters of the Caribou Flats Section;
(14) Amak Island and adjacent Sea Lion Rocks: waters within three nautical miles of the mean high tide mark around these islands and rocks;
(15) Applegate Cove-Norma Bay: waters south of a line from 55º 14.20' N. lat., 162º 53.20' W. long. to the southwest extremity of Norma Bay at 55º 10.50' N. lat., 163º 05.12' W. long.; this boundary aligns with the Cold Bay VORTAL cone and the headland located approximately two nautical miles south of the radar domes near Grant Point;
(16) Bechevin Bay:
(17) Swanson Lagoon:
(18) Urilia Bay:
(19) Ikatan Bay: waters within 1,000 yards of the stream at 54º 45.18' N. lat., 163º 15.32' W. long. on the north shore of the Ikatan Peninsula that exit from Swede's Lake;
(20) Morzhovoi Bay:
(21) Thin Point Cove and Lagoon: waters north and west of a line from the tip of Thin Point westward to a point on the shore at 54º 57.58' N. lat., 162º 42.40' W. long.;
(22) Cold Bay:
(23) Deer Island: waters within 200 yards of any salmon stream on Deer Island;
(24) Belkofski Bay: waters north and east of a line from 55º 09.28' N. lat., 162º 08.32' W. long. to 55º 08.07' N. lat., 162º 07.20' W. long. and then to 55º 07.33' N. lat., 162º 07.60' W. long.;
(25) Volcano and Bear Bay:
(26) Long John Lagoon: waters of the lagoon and within 500 yards outside of its entrance;
(27) Pavlof Bay:
(28) Bay Point: waters of the lagoon and within 500 yards of the lagoon entrance;
(29) Zachary Bay: waters of the inner bay south and west of a line extending from the inner edge of the permanent vegetation line of the sand spit to the west of the tip of the prominent point of land approximately one and one-third nautical miles inside Quartz Point;
(30) Balboa Bay:
(31) San Diego Bay: waters of the lagoon at the head of this bay and within 500 yards outside of the lagoon's entrance, except that from July 19 through August 31 the closure includes all waters west of a line from the reef at 55º 33.10' N. lat., 160º 26.60' W. long. to the headland at 55º 33.97' N. lat., 160º 25.90' W. long.;
(32) Dorenoi Bay:
(33) Chichagof Bay: waters of the lagoon and within 500 yards of the lagoon entrance;
(34) Orzinski Bay (Orzenoi): waters within 1,000 yards of any salmon stream;
(35) Grub Gulch: waters north of 55º 48.25' N. lat.;
(36) Stepovak Bay:
(37) from July 6 through August 31, waters of Alaska in the East Stepovak Section between a line extending 135º from Kupreanof Point at 55º 33.98' N. lat., 159º 35.88' W. long. and a line extending 207º from 55º 34.50' N. lat., 159º 37.53' W. long.; from September 1 through September 30, the commissioner shall close, by emergency order, the waters specified in this paragraph when the waters specified in 5 AAC 15.350(20) are closed to conserve coho salmon.
Authority:AS 16.05.060
AS 16.05.251