Alaska Administrative Code
Title 5 - Fish and Game
Part 1 - Commercial and Subsistence Fishing and Private Nonprofit Salmon Hatcheries
Chapter 09 - Alaska Peninsula Area
Article 3 - Salmon Fishery
5 AAC 09.320 - Fishing periods
Current through November 28, 2024
(a) In the Northern District, salmon may be taken only during weekly fishing periods from 6:00 a.m. Monday until 6:00 p.m. Thursday, unless modified by emergency order, except as follows:
(b) In the Northwestern District, salmon may be taken during the open season from September 1 through September 30 only during fishing periods established by emergency order. Unless otherwise specified by emergency order, before September 1, salmon may be taken in the Northwestern District only during the open season in the
(c) Salmon may be taken only during the open season in the Unimak District during fishing periods established by emergency order.
(d) Salmon may be taken only during the open season in the Southwestern District only during fishing periods established by emergency order.
(e) Salmon may be taken only during the open season in the South Central District only during fishing periods established by emergency order.
(f) Salmon may be taken only during the open season in the Southeastern District only during fishing periods established by emergency order.
Authority:AS 16.05.060
AS 16.05.251