Alaska Administrative Code
Title 5 - Fish and Game
Part 1 - Commercial and Subsistence Fishing and Private Nonprofit Salmon Hatcheries
Chapter 06 - Bristol Bay Area
Article 3 - Salmon Fishery
5 AAC 06.331 - Gillnet specifications and operations
Current through August 30, 2024
(a) Gillnet mesh size restrictions are as follows:
(b) No gillnet may be more than 29 full meshes in depth, including the selvages.
(c) Except as provided in 5 AAC 06.333, a person may not operate or assist in the operation of a drift gillnet exceeding 150 fathoms in length or a set gillnet exceeding 50 fathoms in length.
(d) Repealed 3/26/76.
(e) Except as provided in 5 AAC 06.333, a vessel registered for salmon net fishing may not have on board it or any vessel towed by it, during an open fishing period, more than 150 fathoms of drift gillnet gear in the aggregate. Additional gear may be transported to another district under conditions specified by the department.
(f) A person may not operate more than two set gillnets, and the aggregate length of set gillnets operated by that person may not exceed 50 fathoms in length. Notwithstanding 5 AAC 39.240(a), in the Bristol Bay Area, a
(g) The operation of a gillnet shall be performed or assisted by the person who holds a valid interim-use or entry permit card for that gear.
(h) Set gillnets shall be operated in substantially a straight line.
(i) A set gillnet must be set on an area of a beach that, at mean low tide, is connected by exposed land to the shore or to land not covered at high tide, except that in the Togiak District between a point on the southernmost mouth of the Kulukak River at 58° 54.94' N. lat., 159° 43.81' W. long. and a point at the eastern entrance to Metervik Bay at 58° 50.47' N. lat., 159° 45.25' W. long., between Rocky Point at 58° 53.30' N. lat., 160° 14.70' W. long. and 160° 20' W. long., and between Togiak Reef at 58° 59.62' N. lat., 160° 30.10' W. long. and a point near Mt. Aeolus at 58° 54.82' N. lat., 160° 44.06' W. long., no part of a set gillnet may be more than 500 feet from the mean high tide mark and the set gillnet must be substantially perpendicular to the shoreline.
(j) Picking salmon from a gillnet is considered to be a part of the fishing operation and shall be performed only by a fisherman who holds a crewmember fishing license or a valid interim-use or entry permit card.
(k) Repealed 3/26/76.
(l) Each fisherman shall operate or assist in operating only one type of gear at any one time.
(m) In the Naknek-Kvichak, Egegik, Ugashik, and Togiak Districts, no part of a set gillnet may be more than 1,000 feet from the 18-foot high tide mark, except that
(n) in the Nushagak District, and subject to (v) of this section, a CFEC salmon interimuse or entry permit holder may not set or operate a set gillnet seaward of set gillnets operated by another CFEC salmon interim-use or entry permit holder. In addition, no part of a set gillnet, anchor, peg, stake, buoy, or other device used to set the gillnet may be seaward of the following offshore locations:
(o) No salmon CFEC permit holder may set or operate a set gillnet seaward of set gillnets operated by another salmon CFEC permit holder in the following locations:
(p) Setnet anchoring devices must be within the offshore distance requirements set out in (m) and (n) of this section, except as follows:
(q) During the hours between sunset and sunrise, each gillnet must display a light. For drift gillnets, the light must be located at the end of the net furthest from the fishing vessel. For set gillnets, the light must be a blinking white light and must be located at the end of the net furthest from the shore.
(r) Notwithstanding 5 AAC 39.105(d) (3), in the Bristol Bay Area, a person may not operate a drift gillnet when the vessel to which it is attached is grounded, or when any part of the gillnet is grounded above the waterline.
(s) In the Bristol Bay Area, a person may not use mechanical power to hold a vessel in substantially the same geographical location while attached to a drift gillnet.
(t) A permit holder fishing in the Bristol Bay Area must report the loss of a gillnet, or portion of a gillnet, to the local department office in Dillingham or King Salmon within 15 hours of the loss of the gillnet, or portion of the gillnet. For the purposes of this subsection, the report must be made directly to a local representative of the department in person or by radio or telephone.
(u) Repealed 4/4/2013.
(v) The provisions of (n) of the section do not apply after May 31, 2026.
Authority:AS 16.05.060
AS 16.05.251