(a) The purpose of this management plan is to
provide for the sustained yield of the Tanana River salmon resource. The
department shall manage the salmon fisheries in the Tanana River drainage to
achieve established spawning escapement goals. Except as provided in
AAC 01.249, the department shall manage the District 6
and Subdistrict 5-A salmon fisheries in accordance with the provisions of this
(b) The department shall
manage the salmon fisheries in District 6 (Tanana River) as follows:
(1) the commercial salmon fishing season
shall be opened by emergency order and closes on September 30, unless closed
earlier by emergency order;
(2) the
commercial salmon fishing periods shall be opened and closed by emergency
(3) except as provided in
AAC 01.210(b) (4), in Subdistricts
6-A and 6-B, through September 30, the subsistence salmon fishing periods are
from 6:00 p.m. Friday until 12:00 noon Sunday and from 6:00 p.m. Monday until
12:00 noon Wednesday, unless modified by emergency order;
(4) in Subdistrict 6-C, the personal use
salmon fishing periods are from 6:00 p.m. Friday until 12:00 noon Sunday and
from 6:00 p.m. Monday until 12:00 noon Wednesday, unless modified by emergency
(5) the guideline harvest
ranges are
(A) 600 - 800 king
(B) 13,000 - 38,000 summer
chum salmon; and
(C) 2,750 - 20,500
fall chum salmon.
(c) The department shall manage the salmon
fisheries in Subdistrict 5-A according to the stock status and timing of salmon
bound for the Tanana River as follows:
the commissioner may open, by emergency order, the commercial salmon fishing
season only after August 10;
when the District 6 fall chum salmon harvest is below the upper end of the
guideline harvest range set out in
AAC 05.365(5), the department shall
manage the fishery in Subdistrict 5-A as follows:
(A) a person may sell only salmon roe from
fish commercially harvested in Subdistrict 5-A;
(B) the guideline harvest range is 0 - 4,000
pounds of fall chum salmon roe; and
(C) the department shall manage, to the
extent practicable, the fishery to ensure that no more than 2,000 pounds of roe
removed from coho salmon incidentally taken in the fall chum salmon directed
fishery are sold;
when the District 6 fall chum salmon harvest exceeds the upper end of the
guideline harvest range set out in
AAC 05.365, in addition to the pounds of fall chum
salmon roe allowed under (2) of this section, the department shall manage, to
the extent practicable, the fishery in Subdistrict 5-A to ensure that
(A) no more than 2,000 female fall chum
salmon, or a combination of pounds of chum salmon roe and number of females
equivalent to 2,000 fish, as determined by the department, are sold;
(B) no more than 2,000 male fall chum salmon
are sold; and
(C) for coho salmon
incidentally taken in the fall chum salmon directed fishery, no more than 4,000
pounds of coho salmon roe, or a combination of numbers of fish and pounds of
roe equivalent to 4,000 fish, as determined by the department, are sold; for
the purpose of this subparagraph, the poundage of roe shall include the
poundage of coho salmon roe sold under (2)(C) of this subsection;
(4) for all salmon taken and sold
under (3) of this subsection, a buyer shall report the numbers of females and
males, by species, on a fish ticket at the time of the sale;
(5) beginning August 1, a person holding a
CFEC permit who sells salmon or roe from salmon taken in
(A) Subdistrict 5-A may not sell salmon or
roe from salmon taken in Subdistricts 5-B, 5-C, or 5-D; and
(B) Subdistrict 5-B, 5-C, or 5-D may not sell
salmon or roe from salmon taken in Subdistrict 5-A;
(6) repealed 6/17/2001.