Alaska Administrative Code
Title 5 - Fish and Game
Part 1 - Commercial and Subsistence Fishing and Private Nonprofit Salmon Hatcheries
Chapter 01 - Subsistence Finfish Fishery
Article 11 - Cook Inlet Area
5 AAC 01.566 - Customary and traditional subsistence uses of fish stocks and amounts necessary for subsistence uses
Current through August 30, 2024
(a) The Alaska Board of Fisheries (board) finds that the following fish stocks are customarily and traditionally taken or used for subsistence:
(b) The board finds that 100 - 225 lingcod are reasonably necessary for subsistence uses in the portion of the Cook Inlet Area described in 5 AAC 01.575(a) (9).
(c) The board finds that 750 - 1, 350 rockfish are reasonably necessary for subsistence uses in the portion of the Cook Inlet Area described in 5 AAC 01.575(a) (9).
(d) The board finds that 4, 800 - 7, 200 salmon are reasonably necessary for subsistence uses in the Port Graham, Koyuktolik, Port Chatham, and Windy Bay Subdistricts.
(e) The board finds that 400 - 700 salmon, other than king salmon, are reasonably necessary for subsistence uses in the Yentna River drainage described in 5 AAC 01.593(2).
(f) The board finds that 700 - 2, 700 king salmon and 150 - 500 salmon, other than king salmon, are reasonably necessary for subsistence uses in the Tyonek Subdistrict.
(g) The board finds that 100-350 salmon are reasonably necessary for subsistence uses in the waters described in (a)(1)(B) of this section.
Authority:AS 16.05.251
AS 16.05.258