(a) Plans for
construction of an alternative wastewater system must include the items
required under
18 AAC 72.205 and
18 AAC 72.245.
(b) For alternative wastewater systems
proposing an advanced treatment unit or package plant, the submittal must
(1) documentation that the unit and
associated components have a current certification from an accredited
third-party testing organization; or
(2) a monitoring and sampling plan to
demonstrate that the treatment unit can successfully treat wastewater for at
least one year after installation.
(c) For alternative wastewater systems
proposing an alternative soil absorption system, the submittal must include
(1) site plans showing the location of
(A) all existing or proposed
(B) the area reserved
for the replacement soil absorption system;
(D) for the area within 200 feet of the
system, all private or public water systems and surface water;
(2) a soils analysis and report
prepared in accordance with
18 AAC 72.265 that demonstrates
that the soil types, percolation rates, and depths to seasonal high water table
and impermeable strata are suitable for the type of soil absorption system
(3) calculations
demonstrating that the size of the infiltrative surface area conforms to
standard sanitary engineering principles and practices;
(4) pressurized distribution piping design
and calculations with pump curves and specifications;
(5) provisions for the adequate depth of
burial, mounding above grade, or insulation to protect against frost
penetration, with insulation equivalent to the standard listed for the
applicable geographical area described in
18 AAC 72.630(c);
(6) for a system, or cumulative
systems, with a subsurface discharge design fiow greater than 2,500 gallons per
day, calculations determining nitrate concentrations in the groundwater aquifer
at the nearest down-gradient property line of the system site, or to a point
that the department identifies as necessary to protect public health, public
and private water systems, and the environment; if nitrate concentrations are
likely to exceed five milligrams per liter, the department may require
additional treatment and groundwater monitoring.
(d) For alternative wastewater systems
proposing the use of a holding tank, other than marine sanitation devices or
tanks wholly contained within a mobile food unit or occupied building, plans
must include
(1) information justifying a
holding tank as the most practicable and feasible wastewater system for the
facility operations and site conditions;
(2) calculations for the size of the tank and
the design flow for the facility providing a minimum of two days' storage
capacity, or greater if the department identifies it as necessary;
(3) specifications for the tank to be
equipped with a visual beacon and audio high water alarm that will alert the
users when pumping is required; the specifications must include
(A) the design drawings showing the levels
when the alarm will activate and the location of the beacon; and
(B) the manufacturer's cut sheet for the
(4) provisions for
resisting buoyancy forces when the tank is pumped; and
(5) information on the accessibility of the
tank for pumping, the availability of a pumper and hauler, and the location of
the final disposal.
For alternative wastewater systems proposing the use of a surface water
outfall, the submittal must include items as required under
18 AAC 72.275.
(f) To obtain an approval to operate an
alternative wastewater system, the applicant shall submit to the department
(1) items required under
18 AAC 72.240; and
(2) a signed statement from the owner or
operator of the system on a form provided by the department confirming the
owner or operator has received a copy of an operations and maintenance manual
developed in accordance with manufacturer recommendations and the system will
be operated and maintained in accordance with the manual.
(g) The department may require periodic
testing, monitoring, and reports that demonstrate the alternative wastewater
system meets the expected performance criteria.