(a) If a
conventional onsite wastewater system was not registered in accordance with
18 AAC 72.550, a person may submit
for the department's assessment an after-the-fact registration, or otherwise
document a changed use or condition of a conventional onsite wastewater system
(1) submitting the registration fee
required under
18 AAC 72.955;
(2) submitting an adequacy report that is
sealed by the registered engineer responsible for performing the evaluation;
the adequacy report must include
(A) an
assertion that the system as installed is protective of public health, public
and private drinking water systems, and the environment;
(B) a description of the methods and
procedures used to verify that the system conforms to the construction
requirements of
18 AAC 72.530, the separation
distance requirements of
18 AAC 72.520, and the ability of
the system to accept the hydraulic and organic loads from the facility it
(C) information, as can be
fairly determined or reasonably assumed, regarding
(i) septic tank size, material, compartments,
and access to the tank for maintenance;
(ii) the type of soil absorption system and
approximate size;
(iii) the
classification of soils typically encountered in the area or a test hole log
verifying soil conditions;
depth to the seasonal high groundwater and verification that vertical
separation distance requirement is met; and
(v) the general topography of the area,
including any slopes exceeding 25 percent and cut banks;
(D) information on the design flows with
basis used for estimation; and
a site plan drawn to a standard engineering scale, showing the developed
features on the lot, the onsite wastewater system location based on visible
features such as cleanouts and monitor tubes, the likely location of subsurface
components, and all nearby public and private wells and surface water;
(3) submitting a
request for a waiver in accordance with
18 AAC 72.540 if the system does
not meet the construction requirements of
18 AAC 72.530 or the separation
distance requirements listed in
18 AAC 72.520.
(b) If a conventional wastewater system was
installed without prior department approval as required under
18 AAC 72.515 or did not obtain
operational approval in accordance with
18 AAC 72.240, a person may
request final operational approval of a conventional wastewater system by
submitting the plan review fee required under
18 AAC 72.955, with reports and
plans signed and sealed by a registered engineer that
(1) evaluates the system for conformance with
this chapter;
(2) to the extent
practicable, addresses the information as required under
18 AAC
72.515(b)(1) - (3);
(3) includes a site plan that shows the
developed facility, the conventional wastewater system location based on
visible features such as cleanouts and monitor tubes, the likely locations of
below ground components, and all nearby public and private water sources and
surface water;
(4) describes the
methods and procedures used to verify the system is capable of accepting the
hydraulic and organic load from the facility it serves;
(5) if the engineer cannot fairly determine
or reasonably assume details of the system construction, or otherwise provide
all information as required under (2) of this subsection, explains or submits
reasons why the information cannot be included; and
(6) includes a statement by the registered
engineer responsible for evaluating the system that asserts that the system, as
installed and operating, is protective of public health, public and private
water systems, and the environment.