Alaska Administrative Code
Title 18 - Environmental Conservation
Chapter 72 - Wastewater Treatment and Disposal
Article 2 - Domestic Wastewater System Plan Review
18 AAC 72.265 - Soils analysis and report
Current through November 28, 2024
The soils analysis and report must meet the following criteria:
(1) the number of test holes, minimum test hole depth, and percolation tests must be sufficient to adequately evaluate subsurface characteristics of the area for the type of system proposed;
(2) soils in the usable wastewater disposal area must be shown by percolation test to have an acceptable percolation rate for the type of system proposed; percolation tests must be
(3) soil borings and soil analysis must show the location and elevation of seasonal high water table and impermeable strata in relation to the wastewater system;
(4) seasonal high water table must be determined by
(5) the depth to seeps, if any, must be recorded; the department may require subsequent monitoring;
(6) in areas known or suspected to contain permafrost,
(7) the report must be sealed by a registered engineer.
Authority:AS 44.46.020
AS 46.03.010
AS 46.03.020
AS 46.03.050
AS 46.03.100
AS 46.03.110