(a) The owner and
engineer responsible for observing construction shall ensure that the system is
constructed according to design plans approved by the department, or according
to record drawings showing that the system was constructed as required by AS
46.03 and this chapter.
(b) For a
wastewater collection, treatment, storage, or disposal system, and the
designated phases of the system, that received approval to construct under
18 AAC 72.225 and, if applicable,
approval for revisions to approved plans under
18 AAC 72.230,
(1) an approval to operate the system for a
90-day interim period will accompany the approval to construct the system; the
90-day interim period starts when the project or designated phase of the system
is considered complete or is first put into service, whichever comes
(2) operation of the system,
completed portions of the system, or a designated phase of the system, beyond
the 90-day interim period is prohibited unless
(A) the department grants an extension of the
90-day interim period; or
(B) the
system, portion of the system, or a designated phase of that system has
received final approval to operate from the department under this section;
(3) the department
will issue final approval to operate after receipt and review of the
information required under (c) of this section if the information confirms that
(A) the system was constructed as originally
approved; or
(B) the system, or a
designated phase of that system, otherwise meets the requirements of AS 46.03
and this chapter.
(c) Not later than 60 days after completion
of construction, installation, modification, or operation of the project, the
owner or engineer of the project shall submit to the department information as
required for the type of wastewater system with
(1) a certification that the project was
constructed in compliance with (a) of this section on the "certification of
construction" form available from the department and signed by
(B) each contractor who constructed the
system; and
(C) the registered
engineer responsible for observing construction; and
(2) record drawings prepared by the engineer
responsible for observing construction of the project; if the observing
engineer was
(A) the same as the design
engineer, each sheet of the record drawings must
(i) clearly show any deviations from the
original design;
(ii) be clearly
labeled a record drawing with the signature and date of the engineer;
(iii) bear the original signed
seal of the engineer or bear a new signed and dated seal;
(B) different than the design engineer and
(i) if there were no deviations from the
original design, each sheet of the record drawings must bear the original
signed seal of the design engineer and clearly be labeled a record drawing with
the date, printed name, registration number, and signature of the observing
engineer; or
(ii) if there were
deviations from the original design, each sheet of the record drawings must
clearly show the deviations from the original design, be sealed by the
observing engineer, and must clearly be labeled a record drawing.
(d) The
department will require periodic groundwater monitoring or place other
conditions to operate on the system if the department finds that there is a
concern about public health, public and private water systems, or the