Alaska Administrative Code
Title 17 - Transportation and Public Facilities
Chapter 95 - Knik Arm Bridge and Toll Authority
17 AAC 95.040 - Public-private partnerships
Current through August 30, 2024
(a) The authority may enter into public-private partnerships to provide engineering services, design services, construction services, project financing, operating services, maintenance services, or any combination of those services. A public-private partnership agreement, or set of related agreements, may be awarded under the provisions of 17 AAC 95.020, 17 AAC 95.030, or this section. The solicitation for bids or proposals will state the section under which the authority is proceeding.
(b) The authority may determine that only proposers who are selected for a short list of proposers under the following procedures are eligible for an award of a public-private partnership agreement:
(c) Short-listed proposers selected under (b) of this section will be invited, through a request for proposals, to submit proposals for a public-private partnership agreement on the designated services. The request for proposals will conform to, and follow the procedures under, 17 AAC 95.030, except that
(d) The authority may conduct individual or collective meetings with short-listed proposers during the course of the procurement and before proposal submission in order to exchange information, receive and discuss questions and comments, and provide clarifications. If the authority conducts meetings, each short-listed proposer and its representatives shall sign and adhere to an agreement, in a form determined by the authority, to govern the conduct of those meetings and assure confidentiality. If the authority conducts meetings on an individual basis, the authority will provide each short-listed proposer a comparable opportunity to engage in those individual meetings. The authority will share with all short-listed proposers, on a reasonably contemporaneous basis, material non-confidential information and material clarifications that concern the procurement and the services and that are communicated at a meeting with any short-listed proposer. The authority will not disclose any confidential information, concepts, or ideas of another short-listed proposer.
(e) The authority will evaluate technical and price proposals separately, in accordance with the evaluation factors set out in the request for proposals.
(f) The evaluation committee shall submit a recommendation to the board regarding approval of the highest ranked proposal. The board may approve or disapprove the recommendation. After board approval, the authority will notify proposers in writing of the authority's rankings and make the rankings available to the public.
(g) The authority may enter into negotiations with the highest ranked proposer to negotiate any portions, terms, or conditions of its proposal that the authority desires to negotiate, without releasing the proposer from its offer. If a public-private partnership agreement satisfactory to the authority cannot be negotiated with that proposer, or if, in the course of negotiations, it appears that the proposal will not provide the authority with the overall best value, the authority will formally suspend or terminate negotiations with that proposer and may
(h) Information the authority makes available to proposers is as a convenience to the proposer and without representation or warranty of any kind, except as may be expressly specified in the request for qualifications or request for proposals. Proposers may not rely upon any oral responses to inquiries.
Authority:AS 19.75.111
AS 36.30.015