Alaska Administrative Code
Title 11 - Natural Resources
Part 6 - Lands
Chapter 78 - Carbon Offset Projects on State Land
11 AAC 78.040 - Land use planning and classification
Current through November 28, 2024
(a) If a potential carbon offset project is incompatible with the classification or land use plan applicable to the state land identified for a potential carbon offset project, the department may seek to reclassify the land or revise the land use plan identified for the potential project consistent with AS 38.04.065 and AS 38.05.300.
(b) If the department seeks to reclassify the land or revise the land use plan identified for a potential project, the department will complete the reclassification or land use plan revision before it completes a best interest finding for a potential carbon offset project.
Authority: AS 38.95.400
AS 38.95.410