(d) The fees
for authorizations, petitions and services under AS 38.05 and
19.30.410 regarding easements and
rights-of-way are as follows:
(1) for an
application for surface use authorization, petition or other service related to
easements and rights-of-way, for
(A) a public
or private easement or right-of-way other than in (F), (G), (H), (I), (J) or
(K) of this paragraph,
(i) for a total of no
more than one acre in area, $600;
(ii) for a total greater than one acre in
area, $1,500 for up to 60 hours of staff time;
(B) an amendment of a public or private
easement or right-of-way, for
(i) an
amendment to right-of-way or easement or development plan that authorizes the
use of additional state land or resources, the amount established under (A) of
this paragraph;
(ii) an amendment
to easement, right-of-way or development plan that does not authorize the use
of additional state land or resources, $300;
(C) a public or private easement or
right-of-way for unauthorized uses, $500, in addition to fees in (A) or (B) of
this paragraph;
(D) an assignment
of a public or private easement or right-of-way, $500 for up to 20 hours of
staff time;
(E) an application to
develop improvements within an existing public or private easement or
right-of-way, $250 for up to 10 hours of staff time;
(F) a public or private easement or
right-of-way for erosion control purposes for a total of no more than one acre
in area, $1,500 for up to 60 hours of staff time;
(G) a public or private easement or
right-of-way for erosion control purposes for a total greater than one acre in
area, or a public easement or right-of-way for erosion control purposes by a
state or federal agency or municipality, $5,000 for up to 200 hours of staff
(H) a petition to vacate or
modify an easement or right-of-way, including an R.S. 2477, $2,500 for up to
100 hours of staff time;
relocating an R.S. 2477 under
11 AAC 51.065(k),
$2,000 for up to 80 hours of staff time;
(J) closing or restricting an existing public
easement or right-of-way, including an R.S. 2477 right-of-way,
(i) for a closure or restriction of a public
access easement or right- of-way for six months or less, $500 for up to 20
hours of staff time;
(ii) for a
closure or restriction of a public access easement or right- of-way more than
six months, $2,500 for up to 100 hours of staff time;
(K) a pipeline right-of-way, for
(i) a proposed pipeline of less than 50
miles, $2,000 for up to 80 hours of staff time; or
(ii) a proposed pipeline of 50 miles or more,
$5,000 for up to 200 hours of staff time;
(2) for surface land use related to easements
and rights-of-way, for
(A) a private easement
or right-of-way for
(i) a non-exclusive use
$600 annually, plus $300 annually for each acre above two;
(ii) an exclusive use, the yearly fair market
rental value of the land, as determined by an appraisal at the applicant's
expense, and subject to adjustment at five-year intervals based on the changes
in the Consumer Price Index for all urban consumers, Anchorage Metropolitan
Area (semi-annual Average) compiled by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, United
States Department of Labor, as revised, rebased, or replaced by that bureau,
but no less than the fee prescribed in (i) of this subparagraph;
(B) a public easement or
right-of-way other than for (C) or (G) of this paragraph, a one-time fee of
$150 each acre unless otherwise provided in a reciprocal right-of-way
(C) a public easement or
right-of-way for a utility, a one-time fee of 70 cents each linear
(D) a closure or restriction
of a public access easement or right-of-way for six months or less, $125
monthly each mile;
(E) a closure or
restriction of a public access easement or right-of-way more than six months,
$750 annually each mile;
(F) a
private easement or right-of-way for erosion control purposes
(i) for a non-exclusive non-commercial use
for a total of no more than one acre in area, a one-time fee of
(ii) for a non-exclusive
non-commercial use for a total greater than one acre in area for non-linear
authorizations, $600 annually;
(iii) for a non-exclusive commercial use for
total of no more than one acre in area, $600 annually;
(iv) for a non-exclusive commercial use for a
total greater than one acre in area, $600 annually, plus $300 annually for each
acre above two;
(G) a
public easement or right-of-way for erosion control purposes by a state or
federal agency or municipality, a one-time fee of $5,000;
(H) a public easement or right-of-way for
erosion control purposes by other than by a state or federal agency or
(i) for no more than one acre, a
one-time fee of $2,000;
(ii) for
more than one acre, a one-time fee of $5,000;
(I) an entry authorization for an approved
easement or right-of-way for site development for authorizations addressed in
(d)(2)(A) through (d)(2)(C), (d)(2)(F)(ii) through (v), and (d)(2)(G) through
(d)(2)(H) of this section, $300 annually, plus $150 annually for each acre
above two;
(3) for each
additional hour in excess of the maximum hours listed in (1) of this
subsection, $50.