Current through Register Vol. 43, No. 02, November 27, 2024
(1) For the purpose
of this rule, the following terms shall have the following meanings:
(a) Department: The Alabama Department of
(b) Simplified Sellers Use
Tax Remittance Program ("SSUT Program"): As defined in §
40-23-191, Code of
Ala. 1975.
Simplified Sellers Use Tax ("SSUT"): As defined in §
40-23-191, Code of
Ala. 1975.
Marketplace facilitator: As defined in §
40-23-199.2, Code of
Ala. 1975.
Marketplace seller: As defined in §
40-23-199.2, Code of
Ala. 1975.
Transaction: A sale or purchase at retail of tangible personal property made
through the marketplace facilitator's marketplace by or on behalf of a
marketplace seller for delivery to a location in this state, whether by the
marketplace facilitator or another person.
(g) Purchaser: As defined in §
40-23-199.2, Code of
Non-participating marketplace facilitator: A marketplace facilitator that
elects to comply with the notice and reporting requirements prescribed herein
on transactions made through the marketplace facilitator's marketplace by or on
behalf of a marketplace seller. A marketplace facilitator that is not a
registered participant in good standing in the SSUT Program is deemed to have
elected to comply with these notice and reporting requirements.
(i) Participating marketplace facilitator: A
marketplace facilitator that elects to collect and remit SSUT on transactions
made through the marketplace facilitator's marketplace by or on behalf of a
marketplace seller and is registered and in good standing in the SSUT
(j) Taxable transaction:
Any transaction made through the marketplace facilitator's marketplace by or on
behalf of a marketplace seller except the following:
1. Sales to licensed retailers with a valid
sales tax license. See Rules
810-6-1-.144.03, and
2. Sales to purchasers with valid exemption
certificates. See Rules
810-6-5-.02 and
3. Sales of motor vehicles as this term is
defined in §
40-12-240, Code of
(k) Qualifying amount: Transactions totaling
in excess of $250,000 for the calendar year preceding the year in which a
marketplace facilitator elects to either collect SSUT or to comply with notice
and reporting requirements. The qualifying amount shall be calculated by
aggregating the transactions made directly by the marketplace facilitator,
including sales by related parties, and the combined transactions made by all
marketplace sellers through the marketplace facilitator's
(2) Related
parties: As defined in §
40-23-190, Code of
Ala. 1975.
Requirements for Participating Marketplace Facilitators
(a) Except as provided in subparagraph
(2)(b), effective January 1, 2019, participating marketplace facilitators with
transactions in excess of the qualifying amount are required to collect and
remit SSUT on all taxable transactions made through the marketplace
facilitator's marketplace by or on behalf of a marketplace seller, including
those marketplace sellers that would otherwise have an obligation to collect
and remit sales or use tax on these transactions.
(b) Transactions made through the marketplace
facilitator's marketplace by or on behalf of a related party that has a retail
location in this state are subject to sales tax.
(c) If more than one marketplace facilitator
is involved in a transaction, the obligation to collect and remit SSUT will be
as follows:
1. If each party is a
participating marketplace facilitator, as agreed to by the marketplace
facilitators in writing, provided that the agreement has been provided to the
2. If no agreement has
been provided to the department and only one of the parties is a participating
marketplace facilitator, by the participating marketplace
3. If no agreement has
been provided to the department and each party is a participating marketplace
facilitator, by the marketplace facilitator who lists the potential retail sale
on its marketplace.
Participating marketplace facilitators must comply with the collection,
remittance, and reporting requirements set forth in §§
40-23-192 and
40-23-193, Code of
Ala. 1975.
Participating marketplace facilitators are required to maintain records of all
sales delivered, in accordance with §
40-23-195, Code of
Ala. 1975, and shall make such records available for review and
inspection by the department upon request.
(f) Participating marketplace facilitators
are not subject to audit by an Alabama locality for SSUT. However, an Alabama
locality may audit the non-marketplace facilitator sales of a marketplace
seller for sales or use tax that may be due.
(4) Requirements for Marketplace Sellers
(a) Marketplace sellers are relieved from the
collection and remittance of sales tax, use tax, or SSUT for transactions made
on or through a participating marketplace facilitator's platform for which SSUT
has already been collected on such transactions and no further tax shall be
collected by the marketplace seller for such transactions.
(b) Marketplace sellers making sales on or
through a non-participating marketplace facilitator's marketplace are not
relieved of their obligation under the laws of this state to remit sales or use
tax on transactions made on or through a non-participating marketplace
facilitator's marketplace, on or through the marketplace seller's own
electronic sales platform, or at the marketplace seller's retail location in
this state.
Requirements for Non-Participating Marketplace Facilitators
(a) A non-participating marketplace
facilitator must file in a form prescribed by the department an election to
comply with the notice and reporting requirements set forth in sub-paragraphs
(4)(b), (c), and (d) for all transactions for which sales or sellers use tax is
not remitted by the marketplace facilitator on behalf of the marketplace
seller. Elections required by this subparagraph must be filed with the
1. On or before January 31, 2019,
if during calendar year 2018 transactions on or through its marketplace
exceeded the qualifying amount; and
2. On or before January 31 of each subsequent
calendar year in which the marketplace facilitator's transactions for the
previous calendar year exceeded the qualifying amount.
(b) TRANSACTIONAL NOTICES. Non-participating
marketplace facilitators must provide notices to each purchaser who enters into
a transaction as follows:
1. The notice must
state that no sales or use tax is being collected or remitted upon the
transaction, or that the seller is not required to collect sales or use tax and
that the purchaser may be required to remit any tax owed directly to the
department. The notice shall also advise that a summary of such sales is being
provided to the department.
2. The
notice must be prominently displayed on each order form, invoice, and sales
receipt for the transaction that is provided to the purchaser, whether provided
in physical or electronic form.
Non-participating marketplace facilitators must provide an
annual transaction summary to each purchaser who entered into, in the aggregate
during the previous calendar year, more than $200 in transactions that are
subject to the notice and reporting requirements of paragraph (4) of this
1. The annual transaction
summary must include:
(i) A statement that
sales or use tax was not collected on the listed transactions in the prior
calendar year and that the purchaser may be required to remit any tax owed
directly to the department
(ii) A
list of transactions entered into during the prior calendar year by the
purchaser showing with respect to each transaction the
I. Seller's Name
II. Transaction Date
III. Invoice or Transaction Number
IV. Purchaser's Name
V. Purchaser's Billing Address
VI. Delivery Address
VII. Number of Items Purchased
VIII. The type of tangible personal property
IX. Total Purchase
(iii) A statement
that a report will be submitted to the department pursuant to subparagraph
(4)(d) of this rule stating only the purchaser's name, address, total dollar
amount of the purchaser's transactions, and the name and address of the seller
for each transaction included in the annual transaction summary.
2. The annual transaction summary
is due by January 31 of each year following the year for which the summary is
3. Except as provided in
subdivision (iv) of this subparagraph (4)(c), the annual transaction summary
shall be sent to the purchaser's billing address, or if unknown, the
purchaser's shipping address, in an envelope marked prominently with words
indicating important tax information is enclosed. If no billing or shipping
address is known, the summary shall be sent electronically to the purchaser's
last known e-mail address with a subject heading indicating important tax
information is enclosed.
4. If the
purchaser's billing or shipping address is known, the summary may be provided
to the purchaser electronically, if:
(i) No
earlier than December 1 of the year to be covered by the summary and no later
than January 15 of the following year, the purchaser agrees to receive the
report electronically, and
(ii) The
purchaser acknowledges that she or he understands that the summary to be
received electronically will contain important tax information and that
information included in the summary will be provided to the
Non-participating marketplace facilitators must provide reports
to the department for each purchaser who entered into transactions that are
subject to the transactional notice requirement of subparagraph (4)(b).
1. Reports for each purchaser must be filed
electronically in a form and manner prescribed by the department.
2. Time of filing.
(i) Marketplace facilitators with
transactions in excess of $1,000,000 in any given quarter ending March 31, June
30, September 30, or December 31, must file the purchaser report required in
this subparagraph on or before the 20th day of the
month succeeding the end the quarter.
(ii) Marketplace facilitators with quarterly
transactions of $1,000,000 or less in any given calendar year may file the
purchaser report required by this subparagraph annually by the January 30 of
the calendar year succeeding the year for which the report is being provided or
quarterly on or before the 20th day of the month
succeeding the end of the quarterly reporting period.
(iii) For the purposes of this subdivision,
total quarterly transactions shall be calculated by aggregating the
transactions made directly by the marketplace facilitator, including sales by
related parties, and the combined transactions made by all marketplace sellers
through the marketplace facilitator's marketplace.
3. The report for each purchaser must
(i) The name of the
(ii) The billing address
and, if different, the last known mailing address of the purchaser;
(iii) The shipping address for each
transaction that the purchaser entered into that is subject to the
transactional notice requirement in subparagraph (4)(b);
(iv) The total purchase price for each
transaction that the purchaser entered into that is subject to the
transactional notice requirement in subparagraph (4)(b); and
(v) The name and address of the seller for
each transaction included in the report.
4. A certification by the filing entity that
it has complied with the transactional notice requirement for each transaction
included in the report.
(5) Penalties. In addition to any other
applicable penalties a failure to timely file penalty in the amount of $50 will
be assessed for failure to file with the department the report for each
purchaser required in subparagraph (4)(d).
(6) Waiver of Penalties. A marketplace
facilitator that elects to collect and remit SSUT, in lieu of complying with
the notice and reporting requirements in paragraph (4), may be granted a waiver
of the penalties imposed under paragraph (5) upon a demonstration that it is
impractical for the marketplace facilitator to begin collecting and remitting
SSUT on marketplace sales prior to January 1, 2019. Waivers will be granted on
a case-by-case basis, but shall be granted only if the following conditions are
satisfied prior to January 1, 2019:
1. The
marketplace facilitator has registered with the department to participate in
the SSUT Program; and
2. The
marketplace facilitator has requested in writing and received approval from the
department for a deferral of its obligation to collect and remit SSUT as
required under paragraph (3) to a reasonable date certain.
(7) Marketplace Seller Exemptions
(a) The limited amount of information
required to be reported to the department by this rule is designed to alleviate
any concerns regarding the privacy of a marketplace seller's customers with
respect to their purchases. However, if a seller believes that, due to the
nature of business conducted by the seller, reporting to the department even
the limited information required by this rule would result in a violation of
the rights of its customers under the First Amendment of the United States
Constitution, the seller may apply to the department for an exemption from the
reporting requirements of this rule.
(b) An application for a marketplace seller
exemption from the reporting requirements of this rule must be submitted to the
department. An application for a seller exemption must list the seller's name,
address, telephone number and point of contact and must explain in detail why
reporting the information required by this rule would result in a violation of
the first amendment rights of its customers. The department may request
additional information from the seller regarding its application. The vendor
may request a conference with the department to discuss its
(c) The department
will grant or deny the marketplace seller exemption application in a reasonable
time and will notify the seller of its decision.
Authors: Michele Mayberry, Victoria Williams,
Lee Ann Rouse
Statutory Authority:
Code of Ala.
1975, §§
40-23-199, and