Alabama Administrative Code
Section 660-5-36-.04 - Out Of Home Placement Of Indian Children
Current through Register Vol. 43, No. 02, November 27, 2024
(1) ICWA Placement Requirements: When an Indian child or Alaskan Native child is removed from his/her home ICWA requires that the child be placed with extended family members, other tribal members, or other Indian families. When this is not possible, the Indian child must be placed in a foster home approved or specified by the Indian child's tribe; an Indian foster home licensed or approved by an authorized non-Indian licensing authority; or a children's institution approved by the tribe or one that is tribally operated.
(2) Deviation from Placement Preferences:
(3) ICWA Placement Categories: There are two placement categories for Indian children needing out-of-home placement.
(4) Consent for Voluntary Placement of Indian Children: Indian parents or custodians may consent to voluntarily place an Indian child in foster care.
(5) Withdrawal of Voluntary Consent for Foster Care: Any Indian parent or Indian custodian may withdraw the consent for foster care placement under State law at any time and upon such withdrawal, the child shall be returned to the parent/Indian custodian.
(6) Involuntary Foster Care and Adoptive Placement: When an Indian child is being placed into foster care or termination of parental rights is being considered, clear and convincing evidence and in the case of termination of parental rights beyond reasonable doubt, and expert witness testimony must be presented to the court that the Indian child is likely to experience serious emotional or physical harm if custody remains with the parent or Indian custodian. No order for foster care placement, excluding emergency removals, or termination of parental rights may be entered without the clear and convincing evidence, and in the case of termination of parental rights beyond reasonable doubt and qualified expert witness testimony that continued custody by the Indian parent or custodian will likely result in the serious emotional or physical harm to the child.
(7) Required Notifications For Involuntary Foster Care/Adoptive Placements: In cases of involuntary placement of an Indian child in foster care or termination of parental rights of an Indian parent/custodian, the Department must notify the child's parents or Indian custodian and the Indian tribe of pending legal proceedings. Notification is by registered mail with return receipt requested. Except for emergency removals, no foster care placement or termination of parental rights proceedings may occur until at least ten days after notice has been received by the parents/custodian and tribe.
(8) Information Required At Time of Transfer of Placement and Care Responsibility of an Indian child to a Tribal Title IV-E Agency or a Tribe with a IV-E Agreement: Placement and care responsibility means that the title IV-E agency or a tribe with a IV-E agreement is legally accountable for the day-to-day care and protection of the child who has come into out of home care through either a court order or a voluntary placement agreement. Placement and care responsibility allows the title IV-E agency to make placement decisions about the child, such as where the child is placed and the type of placement most appropriate for the child. Certain information is required to be provided to a tribe when there is a transfer of placement and care responsibility of an Indian child from the Department to an Indian tribe approved as a title IV-E agency or a tribe with a IV-E agreement with the state title IV-E agency in which the tribe is located.
Author: Margaret Livingston
Statutory Authority: 25 United States Code, Chapter 21 §1901 - 1923; 45 Code of Federal Regulations §1356.67..