Alabama Administrative Code
Chapter 560-X-7 - HOSPITALS
Section 560-X-7-.30 - Post-Hospital Extended Care Services
Current through Register Vol. 43, No. 02, November 27, 2024
(1) Inpatient hospital services rendered at an inappropriate level of care (lower than acute) are considered posthospital extended care services. The patient must have received a minimum of three consecutive days of acute care services in the hospital requesting Post-Hospital Extended Care (PEC) reimbursement. Infrafacility transfers will not be authorized for reimbursement as PEC services. These services include care ordinarily provided by a nursing facility. (Refer to Chapter 10.) Such medically necessary services include, but are not limited to:
(2) In order for such services to be reimbursed, the hospital must submit a written request to Medicaid to receive a provider number that will allow them to use up to ten beds for these services for hospitals with up to 100 beds, with an additional ten beds per each additional 100 beds. Prior to the hospital admitting a patient to one of these beds, the hospital must first determine that there is no nursing facility bed available within a reasonable proximity, and the recipient must require on a regular basis two of the following medically necessary services:
(3) To establish medical necessity, an application packet must be furnished to the Medicaid Admissions Program within 60 days from the date Medicaid coverage is requested. The 60 days will be calculated from the date the application is received and date stamped in the Admissions Program. All applications with a date greater than 60 days old will be assigned an effective date that is 60 days prior to the Admissions Program date stamp. No payment will be made for the days prior to the assigned Admissions Program effective date. The facility will be informed in writing of the assigned effective date. The application packet will consist of:
(4) In order to continue (Post-Hospital Extended Care) eligibility, recertification must be made every 30 days. Nursing facility bed nonavailability must be forwarded along with request for recertification.
(5) Reimbursement for (posthospital extended care) services will be made on a per diem basis at the average unweighted per diem rate paid by Medicaid to nursing facilities for routine nursing facility services furnished during the previous fiscal year ended June 30. There shall be no separate Chapter 560-X-7 Medicaid year end cost settlement. Refer to Chapter 22 of the Alabama Administrative Code for details on rate computation.
(6) A provider must accept as payment in full the amount paid by Medicaid plus any patient liability amount to be paid by the recipient and further agrees to make no additional charge or charges for covered services.
(7) Any day a patient receives such posthospital extended care services will be considered an acute care inpatient hospital day. These beds will not be considered nursing facility beds.
(8) These services are not subject to inpatient hospital benefit limitations. At this level of care, posthospital extended care days are unlimited if a nursing home bed is not located as described in paragraphs (2) and (3)(d) above.
Author: Beverly Rotton, Project Development/Policy Unit, Long Term Care Division
Statutory Authority: Social Security Act, Title XIX; State Plan; and 42 C.F.R. §447.253(b).