Current through Register Vol. 43, No. 02, November 27, 2024
(1) "Outpatient hospital services" means
preventive, diagnostic, therapeutic, rehabilitative, or palliative services
provided to an outpatient by or under the direction of a physician/dentist at a
licensed hospital.
(2) Medical
services provided in the outpatient department must be identified and the
specific treatment documented in the medical record.
(3) Outpatient surgical services are those
covered procedures commonly performed on an inpatient basis that may be safely
performed on an outpatient basis. Only those surgeries included on the Medicaid
outpatient hospital fee schedule will be covered on an outpatient basis.
Surgeries included on the Medicaid outpatient surgical list are reimbursable
when provided on an inpatient basis if utilization review criteria are met.
(a) Surgical procedures that are not listed
on Medicaid's outpatient fee schedule may be sent to the Institutional Services
Unit to be considered for coverage in the outpatient setting if medically
necessary and the procedure is approved by the Medical Director.
(b) Refer to the Outpatient Hospital Fee
Schedule on the Medicaid website for a list of covered surgical
(4) Reimbursement
of outpatient hospital visits includes the use of the facility and no
additional facility fee may be billed.
(a) All
outpatient hospital services provided by the hospital from admission to
discharge of the outpatient will constitute a visit.
(b) Specimens and blood samples sent to the
hospital for performance of tests are classified as non-patient hospital
services since the patient does not directly receive services from the
hospital; therefore, this does not constitute a visit and is not subject to
program limitations.
(c) Providers
who send specimens to independent laboratories for analysis may bill Medicaid
for a collection fee. This fee shall not be paid to anyone who has not actually
collected the specimen from the patient.
(d) Routine venipuncture for collection of
laboratory specimens may be billed only when sending blood specimens to another
site for analysis. The collection fee may not be billed if the lab work is done
at the same site where the specimen was drawn.
(e) Hospital labs may bill Medicaid on behalf
of the reference lab that a specimen is sent to for analysis. Payment may be
made to the referring laboratory but only if one of the following conditions is
1. the referring laboratory is located
in, or is part of, a rural hospital;
2. the referring laboratory is wholly owned
by the entity performing such test, the referring laboratory wholly owns the
entity performing such test, or both the referring laboratory and the entity
performing such test are wholly-owned by a third entity; or
3. the referring laboratory does not refer
more than 30 percent of the clinical laboratory tests for which it receives
requests for testing during the year (not counting referrals made under the
wholly-owned condition described above).
(f) Radiology services are defined as CPT-4
procedure codes 70000 through 79999. Laboratory services are defined as
procedure codes 80000 through 89999.
(g) Outpatient surgery reimbursement is a
fee-for-service rate established for each covered surgical procedure indicated
on the Medicaid outpatient hospital fee schedule on the Medicaid website. This
rate is established as a facility fee for the hospital and includes all nursing
and technician services; diagnostic, therapeutic and pathology services; pre-op
and post-op lab and x-ray services; materials for anesthesia; drugs and
biologicals; dressings, splints, casts, appliances, and equipment directly
related to the surgical procedure.
(h) Multiple surgical procedures on the claim
will be reimbursed the lesser of charges or 100% of the fee on the pricing file
for the initial procedure and the lesser of charges or 50% of the fee on the
pricing file for subsequent procedures.
(5) "Emergency services" are services that
are furnished by a qualified provider and are needed to evaluate or stabilize
an emergency medical condition. A "certified emergency" is a medical condition
manifesting itself by acute symptoms of sufficient severity (including severe
pain) such that a prudent layperson, who possesses an average knowledge of
health and medicine, could reasonably expect the absence of immediate medical
attention to result in placing the health of the individual (or with respect to
a pregnant woman, the health of the woman or her unborn child) in serious
jeopardy, serious impairment to body functions, or serious dysfunction of any
bodily organ or part."
Emergency medical services provided in the hospital emergency room must be
certified and signed by the attending licensed physician, nurse practitioner or
physician assistant at the time the service is rendered, and documented in the
medical record if the claim is filed as a "certified emergency."
(7) Certified emergency visits are unlimited
if the medical necessity is properly documented and certified in the medical
record by the attending licensed physician, nurse practitioner or physician
assistant at the time services are rendered. Certified emergency visits do not
require a PCP referral.
(8) UB 04
claims for emergency department services must be coded with the appropriate CPT
code according to the criteria established by Medicaid to be considered for
(9) Outpatient dialysis
services are covered under the End-Stage Renal Disease Program and cannot be
reimbursed as an outpatient hospital service. See Chapter 24 for
(10) Inpatient Admission
after Outpatient Hospital Services-If the patient is admitted as an inpatient
before midnight of the day outpatient services were rendered at the same
hospital all services are considered inpatient services for billing purposes.
The day of formal admission as an inpatient will be considered as the first day
of inpatient hospital services.
(11) Outpatient Observation is a covered
service billable only by a hospital provider enrolled in the Medicaid program.
(a) Outpatient observation is defined as the
medically necessary extended outpatient care provided to a patient whose
condition warrants additional observation before a decision is made about
admission to the hospital or prolonged patient care. Outpatient observation can
be billed for a recipient that has been seen in the emergency room or is a
maternity recipient whose provider ordered observation services.
(b) An observation unit is defined as an area
designated by the hospital in which patient beds are set aside to provide any
medically necessary extended outpatient care to a patient whose condition
requires either additional observation before a decision is made about
admission to the hospital or prolonged patient care is rendered. These beds may
be located in various parts of the hospital depending on the type of extended
care needed for the patient. The following guidelines apply:
1. A physician's order is required for
admission and discharge from the observation unit.
2. A physician must have personal contact
with the patient at least once during the observation stay.
3. Patients in the observation unit must be
monitored by a registered nurse or an employee under his/her direct
4. Medical records
must contain appropriate documentation of the actual time a patient is in the
observation unit as well as services provided.
(c) Outpatient observation charges must be
billed in conjunction with the appropriate emergency room facility fee, except
for those maternity recipients whose provider has ordered observation
(d) Observation coverage
is billable in hourly increments only and limited to 23 hours or
(e) The first three hours of
observation are included in the emergency room facility fee.
(f) Observation services should be billed
according to the instructions in Chapter 19, (Hospital) of the Alabama Medicaid
Provider Manual.
(g) Ancillary
charges (lab work, x-ray, etc.) may be billed with the observation
(h) If the observation
spans midnight and the recipient is discharged from the observation unit the
following day, the provider should bill all observation charges using the date
of admission to the observation unit on the outpatient claim form.
(i) If a recipient is admitted to the
hospital from outpatient observation, all outpatient charges must be combined
and billed with the inpatient charges. The provider should indicate the date of
admission to the inpatient hospital as the admission date on the claim form for
inpatient services.
(j) Outpatient
observation charges cannot be billed in conjunction with outpatient surgery or
critical care.
(k) Medical records
will be reviewed retrospectively by Medicaid to ensure compliance with the
above stated guidelines and criteria.
Author: Elizabeth Huckabee, Director, Medical
Services Division
Statutory Authority: State Plan, Attachment
4.19-B, 3.1-A, p. 1; Title XIX, Social Security Act;
C.F.R. §§