Alabama Administrative Code
Section 540-X-7-.01 - Definitions
Current through Register Vol. 43, No. 02, November 27, 2024
The following definitions shall apply to these rules:
(1) APPROVED PROGRAM: A program for the education and training of assistants to physicians which has been formally approved in writing by the Board.
(2) ASSISTANT TO PHYSICIAN. A person who is a graduate of an approved program, is licensed by the Board, and is registered by the Board to perform medical services under the supervision of a physician approved by the Board to supervise the assistant.
(3) BOARD. The Board of Medical Examiners of the State of Alabama.
(4) CONTINUAL. Repeated regularly and frequently in steady rapid succession.
(5) DIRECT MEDICAL INTERVENTION. Physical presence of a physician to attend the patient as defined in the registration agreement protocol.
(6) FCVS, Federation Credentials Verification Service. A credentials verification service provided by the Federation of State Medical Boards that assistants to physicians may use to verify core credentials in connection with applications for licensure. The Board of Medical Examiners will accept those verified primary source records of credentials provided by FCVS in lieu of equivalent documentation required to be submitted with an application for licensure where designated in these rules. Applicants are responsible for payment of all fees charged by FCVS. Use of FCVS by an applicant is optional.
(7) GUIDELINES. The written guidelines established by the Board pursuant to Act 94-261 in the most current version which concern the prescribing practices of assistants to physicians and which do not require publication in accordance with the Alabama Administrative Procedures Act.
(8) LEGEND DRUG. Any drug, medicine, chemical or poison, bearing on the label the words, "Caution, Federal Law prohibits dispensing without prescription" or similar words indicating that the drug, medicine, chemical or poison may be sold or dispensed only upon the prescription of a licensed medical practitioner, except that the term legend drug shall not include any drug, substance or compound which is listed in Schedules I through V of the Alabama Uniform Controlled Substances Act.
(9) PHYSICIAN. A person who is licensed to practice medicine in this state and is approved by the Board to supervise assistants to physicians.
(10) PHYSICIAN SUPERVISION. A formal relationship between a licensed assistant to a physician and a licensed physician under which the assistant to the physician is authorized to practice as evidenced by a written job description approved by the Board. Physician supervision requires that there shall be at all times a direct, continuing and close supervisory relationship between the assistant to the physician and the physician to whom that assistant is registered. The term (4) CONTINUAL. Repeated regularly and frequently in steady rapid succession.
(11) PRESCRIBE OR PRESCRIBING. The act of issuing a written prescription for a legend drug.
(12) PRESCRIPTION. An order for a legend drug which is written and signed by an assistant to a physician authorized to prescribe and administer the drug and which is intended to be filled, compounded, or dispensed by a pharmacist. The term "prescription" does not include an order for medication which is dispensed for immediate administration to the ultimate user. (e.g., an order to dispense a drug to a bed patient for immediate administration in a hospital is not a prescription.)
(13) READILY AVAILABLE. Response by the supervising or covering physician by telephone or telecommunication for consultation, referral or direct medical intervention for a patient as indicated by the needs of the patient and based on usual and customary standards of medical practice.
(14) REMOTE PRACTICE SITE. An approved site for a registration agreement without a supervising or covering physician on-site. The supervising physician's principal practice site, acute care hospitals, skilled nursing facilities, licensed, special-care assisted living facilities and licensed assisted living facilities are not remote practice sites for the purpose of these rules.
(15) TRAINEE. A person who is currently enrolled in an approved program in this state.
Author: Alabama Board of Medical Examiners
Statutory Authority: Code of Ala. 1975, §§ 34-24-290, et. seq.