Alabama Administrative Code
Chapter 480-3-3 - MINE SAFETY
Section 480-3-3-.41 - Inspections, Investigations And Reports By The Department
Current through Register Vol. 43, No. 02, November 27, 2024
(1) Ninety Day Inspections - One complete inspection of active workings shall be made by the Department at every mine every 90 days, and more often if necessary. If conditions in inactive workings are believed to affect adversely the safety of the mine or its employees such inactive workings shall be inspected if accessible.
(2) Annual Report - The Department shall keep a record of all mine inspections showing the date when made, the condition in which the mine is found, the extent to which the mining company is complying with these orders,the improvement and security of life and health sought to be secured by the provisions of these rules, the number of accidents, injuries received, or deaths in or about the mine, together with all such other facts and information of public interest concerning the condition of the mine.
(3) Disposition of Mine Inspection Report - A comprehensive report of each inspection shall be promptly made to the operator, superintendent and mine foreman by the Department and said report in the hands of the superintendent shall be accessible to employees affected, or the representatives of said employees. This report to be on a form provided for that purpose and furnished by the Department.
(4) Investigation and Report of Accidents_- Representatives of the Department shall promptly investigate all accidents resulting in serious injury or death to any person or persons, whether employees or not, in or about the mines. The Department shall keep on file at its office a list of all accidents resulting in death or serious bodily injury to any person working in or about such mines.
(5) Authority to Stop Operation - If at any time the Department shall be notified and shall find by investigation that the ventilation in any mine is insufficient or that the air in any mine or working place in the mine is so contaminated by poisonous gases or rendered dangerous by low oxygen content or the presence of inflammable gas or that the lives of the employees in such mine or in any section of such mine are endangered by other hazardous conditions the Department or its mine inspectors shall have the authority to stop the operation of the entire mine or the section affected, until the conditions are corrected.
(6) Major Accidents_- In case of major accident, the Department or its Mine Inspectors shall have the authority to issue such orders as are necessary or proper to secure the safety of the persons working in the mine.
Author: Marcus Davis, Workers' Compensation Examiner.
Statutory Authority: Code of Ala. 1975, § 25-2-13(2).