Alabama Administrative Code
Chapter 480-3-3 - MINE SAFETY
Section 480-3-3-.25 - Health Requirements
Current through Register Vol. 43, No. 02, November 27, 2024
(1) Change House - The operator of every mine except as provided in paragraph (c) shall provide a dressing room or a change house at a place convenient to but not within one hundred (100') feet of the mine opening, if the dressing room or change house is made of combustible material, for the purpose of drying the clothing of the persons employed in and about the mine. Such dressing room or change house shall be provided with adequate means of heating and lighting. These dressing rooms or change houses shall be available to the men at all times when they are going on or coming off shift and shall be equipped with shower baths having hot and cold water, at least one shower being provided for each fifteen (15) men on a shift working in the mine. Such change houses shall be kept reasonably clean and in a sanitary condition. This requirement should not be deemed to affect any existing practice or agreement as to changes for bathhouse facilities.
(2) Drinking Water - Fresh and pure drinking water shall be available to employees during working hours. This may be accomplished by piping water into the mine and providing drinking fountains, or by means of individually owned canteens. Community drinking vessels are prohibited.
Author: Marcus Davis, Workers' Compensation Examiner.
Statutory Authority: Code of Ala. 1975, § 25-2-13(2).