Alabama Administrative Code
Chapter 480-3-3 - MINE SAFETY
Section 480-3-3-.15 - Explosives Magazines - Surface
Current through Register Vol. 43, No. 02, November 27, 2024
(1) All magazines in which explosives are kept or stored shall comply with the requirements of these orders within six (6) months of the date these rules become effective.
(2) Location - All magazines in which explosives are kept or stored shall be located at a distance from buildings, railroads and highways in conformity with the Quantity and Distance Table in these rules.
(3) Barricades - The term barricaded shall mean a physical barrier either natural or artificial around the magazine, to protect life and limb in buildings and on highways, railroads and railways, from damage by premature explosions. Methods of barricading are as follows:
(4) All magazines containing more than two hundred (200) pounds of explosives shall either be barricaded or the distance from inhabited buildings, public railways and public highways shall be doubled.
(5) When as much as two hundred (200) pounds of explosives is kept on hand, it shall be stored in a magazine constructed of one of the following materials, and shall be termed as Class "A" Magazine:
FRAME: The walls shall be constructed of two inch by four inch (2" x 4") studding with a two inch (2") plank outside wall. The outside wall shall be lined with tongue and groove lumber. The outer wall shall be covered with No. 26 gauge galvanized iron or sheet steel on the outside. The space between the outer and the inner wall shall be filled with dry, coarse sand (not crushed stone or gravel). All dry timber shall be well seasoned and free from loose knots wind shakes, bark edges or decay.
BRICK: or RUBLE MASONRY: The walls shall be eight (8) inches in thickness. The bricks shall be of medium soft variety, or the masonry blocks or granite, laid in cement mortar containing not over twenty-five percent (25%) lime.
CONCRETE: The walls shall be six inches (6") in thickness constructed of four (4) parts sand and one (1) part cement.
TILE: The walls shall be constructed of either six inch (6") or eight inch (8") tile. The space in the tile shall be filled with dry, coarse sand (not crushed stone or gravel).
ROCK: In solid ground or rock ("L"shaped magazines are recommended.)
(6) Size of Magazines - The size of the magazine depends upon the amount of explosives to be stored. The dimensions given in the following table are suitable for the amounts indicated.
Quantity Widths Lengths
1,000 lbs. 6 feet 6 feet
2,000 lbs. 6 feet 7 feet
5,000 lbs. 8 feet 9 feet
10,000 lbs. 10 feet 12 feet
15,000 lbs. 12 feet 12 feet
20,000 lbs. 12 feet 16 feet
25,000 lbs 12 feet 18 feet
30,000 lbs 12 feet 20 feet
40,000 lbs 14 feet 22 feet
50,000 lbs 14 feet 24 feet
(7) Class "B" Magazine and Construction - The principle of construction is simply that of placing one substantial box inside of another with a five inch (5") space filled with dry coarse sand (not gravel or crushed rock).
(8) Marking Magazines - magazines must be designated by conspicuously posted signs with the words "Magazine", "Explosives", "Dangerous" legibly printed thereon. Such signs shall be so placed that a bullet passing through the sign will not enter the magazine.
(9) Detonator Storage Separate - Blasting caps and electric blasting caps shall not be stored in the same magazine with dynamite or powder, but shall be stored in a magazine of similar construction as the dynamite or powder magazines, and not nearer than fifty feet (50') to any other explosives magazine
Author: Marcus Davis, Workers' Compensation Examiner.
Statutory Authority: Code of Ala. 1975, § 25-2-13(2).