Alabama Administrative Code
Chapter 480-3-3 - MINE SAFETY
Section 480-3-3-.14 - Explosives To Be Used
Current through Register Vol. 43, No. 02, November 27, 2024
(1) Each case containing explosives for underground use shall be clearly marked by the manufacturer with the class which indicates the amount of poisonous gas produced per one and one-fourth by eight (1-1/4 x 8) inch cartridge.
(2) Explosives Specifications - For the purpose of this rule, the poisonous gas producing properties of an explosive shall be the volume of carbon monoxide plus hydrogen sulfide emitted by one and one-fourth by eight (1-1/4 x 8) inch cartridge as shown by tests in the Bichel Guage in accordance with procedure approved by the Department, provided the resultant gases do not contain more oxygen than is sufficient to burn the combustible gases to their maximum oxidizable state.
(3) Markings on Explosives Containers - Cases containing explosives for use underground will be considered clearly marked in one-fourth (1/4) inch or larger type, the designation "Fume Class 1", or "Fume Class 2", or "Fume Class 3", provided the explosives contained in the cases so marked comply with the following classification:
Cubic feet of carbon monoxide plus hydrogen sulfide per one and one-fourth by eight (1 1/4 x 8) inch cartridge when tested according to paragraph (a).
Fume Class 1 --- Less than 0.16
Fume Class 2 --- 0.16 to 0.33
Fume Class 3 --- 0.33 to 0.67
Explosives in cartridge sizes smaller than one and one-fourth by eight (1-1/4 x 8) inch shall not emit more poisonous gases per cartridge than arE1/2 emitted by one and one-fourth by eight (1-1/4 x 8) inch cartridge as defined above.
(4) Conditions Under Which Explosives Are Used - Explosives complying with the requirements of Fume Class 1 may be used in underground workings free from combustible gases and, or, combustible dusts without specific application by the operator to the Department provided the explosive (1) has not deteriorated in prolonged or improper storage; (2) is properly charged and stemmed with no@combustible stemming; (3) does not have a burden so heavy that it will obviously be liable to blow out; (4) is not overloaded and (5) the mine is properly ventilated as required by these rules.
(5) Explosives - Explosives complying with the requirements of Fume Class 2nd Fume Class 3 shall not be used underground unless the operator has made specific application to and has shown to the satisfaction of the Department that adequate ventilation has been provided and that the operating requirements specified in these rules will be met.
Author: Marcus Davis, Workers' Compensation Examiner.
Statutory Authority: Code of Ala. 1975, § 25-2-13(2)