Alabama Administrative Code
Section 460-X-23-.06 - Application Review Process
Current through Register Vol. 43, No. 02, November 27, 2024
(1) Delivery. Applications for the Program will be accepted beginning on October 1, 2013 and continuously thereafter. Applications should be delivered to the Commission.
(2) Project Review Priority. Applications for Tax Credit Allocation Reservations are placed on a Reservation Priority List in the order in which they are received and will be reviewed in that order. Complete Applications that include Parts A and B and all attachments will be eligible for a Tax Credit Allocation Reservation in that same priority order. Incomplete Applications will be removed from the list.
Applications received on the same day will be ordered in a lottery. All Applications received on or before 5:00 p.m. Central Daylight Time on October 1, 2013 will be considered to have been received on that date. The lottery shall be conducted by assigning sequential numeric characters to the Applications. The same sequential numeric characters will be written on identical white plastic balls measuring approximately 1.5 inches in diameter (a standard table tennis ball) and placed in a box of sufficient size to allow for the mixing of the balls when the box is shaken. Afterward, a member of the Commission staff shall blindly and randomly select one ball at a time and its corresponding number will be sequentially entered onto the Reservation Priority List. Three Commission staff persons will be present at the drawing, and the order of the numeric characters drawn will be witnessed and recorded by staff. The Commission's executive director will certify the review priority order of the lottery for assignment on the Reservation Priority List.
(3) Application Part A. Part A of the Application will be reviewed by a Determination of Eligibility Committee composed of professional staff of the Commission. The committee will determine if a property is eligible for designation as a Certified Historic Structure, Certified Historic Residential Structure, or a Qualified Non-historic Structure. The Applicant shall be responsible for providing sufficient information to the Commission by which the Commission's staff may make a determination. For the purpose of buildings that are individually listed in the National Register, the Determination of Eligibility Committee may appoint a single staff member to make the determination on Part A of the Application. The Commission shall notify the Applicant in writing of any determination it makes after completing the review of Part A of the Application, including as part of the Tax Credit Allocation Reservation notification.
(4) Application Part B. An Application fee is charged before the review of Part B of the Application for its compliance with the Standards based on the amount of estimated Qualified Rehabilitation Expenditures listed by the Applicant on the Part B Application. The fee is not refundable. Applicants will be invoiced for the fee upon the issuance by the Commission of a Tax Credit Allocation Reservation. If the invoice is not paid within thirty (30) calendar days of the Commission's issuance of the invoice, the Tax Credit Allocation Reservation will be rescinded. The Application may be resubmitted but it shall be considered a new Application. The fee is set at one percent (1%) of Qualified Rehabilitation Expenditures, except that the fee shall not exceed ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) .
(5) Application Part C. The Applicant shall file Part C of the Application upon completion of the Project. The Commission shall review and approve Part C, and the Project shall meet all other requirements of these regulations before the Commission can issue a Tax Credit Certificate for the Project.
(6) Amendment Sheet. Changes to the Project not anticipated in the original Application shall be submitted to the Commission on an Amendment Sheet and must be approved by the Commission as consistent with the Standards before they are included in the Project. The Commission shall review the Amendment Sheet and issue a determination in writing regarding whether or not the proposed change in the Project is consistent with the Program.
(7) Scope of Review. For purposes of the review of Applications for this Program, the Project scope includes the entire building, along with any historically associated property under the same ownership. Individual condominiums or commercial spaces within a larger historic building are not considered individual properties apart from the whole. The scope of review for a Project is not limited to the work that qualifies as an eligible expense. The review encompasses the building's site and environment, as well as any buildings that were functionally related historically. Therefore, any new construction and site improvements occurring on the historic property are considered part of the Project. Likewise, all work completed six (6) months before the submission of the Application and Rehabilitation Plan is considered part of the Project, as is any work completed during the recapture period for the credit.
(8) Commission Review Not Binding on Other Programs. Determinations that a building is a Certified Historic Structure utilizing Part A and that a Project is a Certified Rehabilitation utilizing Parts B and C apply only to the Alabama Rehabilitation Tax Credit Program and are not binding on any other local or federal tax credit program. Determinations made by the National Park Service for National Register eligibility or for compliance with the Secretary of the Interior' s Standards for federal rehabilitation tax credit Projects are likewise not binding on the Commission although the Commission may take the determinations into consideration as part of their review of a Project.
Author: Chloe Mercer, David Schneider
Statutory Authority: Act 2013-241
The amendment to this section by Alabama Administrative Monthly Volume XXXII, Issue No. 12, September 30, 2014, file. 9/3/2014 is not yet available.