Current through Register Vol. 43, No. 02, November 27, 2024
(1) All ADPH applications shall be submitted
to the LHD or the ADPH as applicable.
(a) The
LHD or ADPH shall fulfill any request for a permit within 28 calendar days
after receiving the application or notify the responsible person of the reason
for failure to issue the permit. After the initial 28 days, if the application
remains incomplete, the responsible person shall be allowed an additional 30
calendar days to submit a complete application, or the application review
period shall expire. After an application has expired, a new application and
applicable fee shall be required.
(b) If the application does not meet the
requirements of this rule, it shall be denied pursuant to the Ala. Admin.
Procedure Act, §
41-22-1, et seq., Code
of Ala. 1975.
(2) After a complete CEP-2 application is
received and the review of the LHD determines that the lot is suitable for an
OSS/EDS in accordance with these rules, the LHD shall issue a Permit to Install
(a) All Permits to Install (Repair)
shall be valid for a period of 5 years from the date of issuance.
(b) If the time limit in paragraph 1, above,
has expired and reapplication is required, the LHD may investigate the site and
determine if the lot has been modified and that site conditions remain
consistent with those that existed at the time of the expired permit's
issuance. Based upon this re-evaluation, the LHD may issue a Permit to Install
(Repair) without additional site evaluation subject to
420-3-1-.12 Requirements for All
Permit Applications. If the lot has been modified, it shall be subject to
420-3-1-.51 Lot
Modification-Planned and Unplanned.
(c) When a CEP-2 application is submitted for
a lot approved in a Large-Flow Development under a previous set of rules, the
LHD may investigate the validity of previously submitted lot evaluation data or
conditions and determine whether a Permit to Install (Repair) may be
(3) If a
Performance Permit is required as part of a Large-Flow Development, ADPH Form
CEP-3, Section C shall be submitted.
(a) The
Performance Permit shall be valid for a period of 5 years from the effective
date of the permit.
Previous Rule .12 was renumbered .13 per certification
published December 30, 2022; effective February 13,
Authors: Thad Pittman, Phyllis Mardis, Lem
Burell, Leigh Salter, Patricia Lindsey, Matthew Conner, Ken Stephens, Bob
Statutory Authority:
Code of Ala.
1975, §§
22-10-1, et
seq.; 22-26-1et seq; 22-25B-1,
et seq.