Office of Foreign Assets Control June 2010 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents

Blocking of Specially Designated National Pursuant to Executive Order 13413
Document Number: 2010-15826
Type: Notice
Date: 2010-06-30
Agency: Department of the Treasury, Office of Foreign Assets Control, Foreign Assets Control Office, Department of Treasury
The Treasury Department's Office of Foreign Assets Control (``OFAC'') is publishing the name of one individual whose property and interests in property have been blocked pursuant to Executive Order 13413 of October 27, 2006, ``Blocking Property of Certain Persons Contributing to the Conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo''.
Unblocking of Specially Designated National Pursuant to Executive Order 13219, as Amended
Document Number: 2010-15551
Type: Notice
Date: 2010-06-28
Agency: Department of the Treasury, Office of Foreign Assets Control, Foreign Assets Control Office, Department of Treasury
The Treasury Department's Office of Foreign Assets Control (``OFAC'') is publishing the name of an individual whose property and interests in property have been unblocked pursuant to Executive Order 13219 of June 26, 2001, Blocking Property of Persons Who Threaten International Stabilization Efforts in the Western Balkans, as amended by Executive Order 13304, Termination of Emergencies with Respect to Yugoslavia and Modification of Executive Order 13219 of June 26, 2001.
Unblocking of Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons Pursuant to Executive Order 12978
Document Number: 2010-15544
Type: Notice
Date: 2010-06-28
Agency: Department of the Treasury, Office of Foreign Assets Control, Foreign Assets Control Office, Department of Treasury
The Treasury Department's Office of Foreign Assets Control (``OFAC'') is publishing the names of the four individuals whose property and interests in property have been unblocked pursuant to Executive Order 12978 of October 21, 1995, Blocking Assets and Prohibiting Transactions With Significant Narcotics Traffickers.
Additional Designations, Foreign Narcotics Kingpin Designation Act
Document Number: 2010-15376
Type: Notice
Date: 2010-06-25
Agency: Department of the Treasury, Office of Foreign Assets Control, Foreign Assets Control Office, Department of Treasury
The Treasury Department's Office of Foreign Assets Control (``OFAC'') is publishing the names of five individuals and three entities whose property and interests in property have been blocked pursuant to the Foreign Narcotics Kingpin Designation Act (``Kingpin Act'') (21 U.S.C. 1901-1908, 8 U.S.C. 1182).
Unblocking of Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons Pursuant to the Foreign Narcotics Kingpin Designation Act
Document Number: 2010-14503
Type: Notice
Date: 2010-06-21
Agency: Department of the Treasury, Office of Foreign Assets Control
The Department of the Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control (``OFAC'') is publishing the names of two individuals whose property and interests in property have been unblocked pursuant to the Foreign Narcotics Kingpin Designation Act (``Kingpin Act'') (21 U.S.C. 1901-1908, 8 U.S.C. 1182).
Iranian Transactions Regulations
Document Number: 2010-14678
Type: Rule
Date: 2010-06-18
Agency: Department of the Treasury, Office of Foreign Assets Control, Foreign Assets Control Office, Department of Treasury
The Department of the Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control (``OFAC'') is amending the Iranian Transactions Regulations in the Code of Federal Regulations to expand the scope of Appendix A to Part 560 to encompass any person determined by OFAC to be the Government of Iran, as that term is defined in those regulations. OFAC also is adding to the appendix 22 persons it has determined to be the Government of Iran. In addition, OFAC is updating the current list of entities in appendix A, removing an entity, and consolidating and amending other listings. Finally, OFAC is reformatting and republishing in alphabetical order the entire list of persons in the expanded appendix.
Unblocking of Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons Pursuant to Executive Order 12978
Document Number: 2010-14500
Type: Notice
Date: 2010-06-16
Agency: Department of the Treasury, Office of Foreign Assets Control, Foreign Assets Control Office, Department of Treasury
The Department of the Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control (``OFAC'') is publishing the names of five individuals whose property and interests in property have been unblocked pursuant to Executive Order 12978 of October 21, 1995, Blocking Assets and Prohibiting Transactions With Significant Narcotics Traffickers.
Additional Designations, Foreign Narcotics Kingpin Designation Act
Document Number: 2010-14499
Type: Notice
Date: 2010-06-16
Agency: Department of the Treasury, Office of Foreign Assets Control, Foreign Assets Control Office, Department of Treasury
The Treasury Department's Office of Foreign Assets Control (``OFAC'') is publishing the names of 2 individuals and 2 entities whose property and interests in property have been blocked pursuant to the Foreign Narcotics Kingpin Designation Act (``Kingpin Act'') (21 U.S.C. 1901-1908, 8 U.S.C. 1182).
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