National Telecommunications and Information Administration – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 351 - 400 of 559
Commerce Spectrum Management Advisory Committee Meeting
This notice announces a public meeting of the Commerce Spectrum Management Advisory Committee (Committee). The Committee provides advice to the Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Communications and Information on spectrum management policy matters.
Multistakeholder Meeting To Develop Consumer Data Privacy Code of Conduct Concerning Mobile Application Transparency
The National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) will convene a meeting to discuss ``lessons learned'' from NTIA's first privacy multistakeholder process. This Notice announces that the meeting will be held on August 29, 2013.
First Responder Network Authority Board Special Meeting
The Board of the First Responder Network Authority (FirstNet) will hold a Special Meeting via telephone conference (teleconference) on June 27, 2013.
Multistakeholder Meeting To Develop Consumer Data Privacy Code of Conduct Concerning Mobile Application Transparency
The National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) will convene a meeting of a privacy multistakeholder process concerning mobile application transparency. This Notice announces the meeting to be held on July 9, 2013.
Commerce Spectrum Management Advisory Committee Meeting
This notice announces a public meeting of the Commerce Spectrum Management Advisory Committee (Committee). The Committee provides advice to the Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Communications and Information on spectrum management policy matters.
Recruitment of First Responder Network Authority Board of Directors
The National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) issues this Notice on behalf of the First Responder Network Authority (FirstNet) as part of its annual process to seek expressions of interest from individuals who would like to serve on the FirstNet Board.\1\ When the Acting Secretary of Commerce made the initial appointments to the Board last August 20, 2012, by law, four of the 12 appointments of non-permanent members were for one-year terms.\2\ While the Secretary of Commerce has the discretion to reappoint individuals to serve on the FirstNet Board provided they have not served two consecutive full three-year terms,\3\ NTIA issues this Notice in case the Secretary will need to fill any vacancies on the Board at the time the one-year terms expire on August 19, 2013. Expressions of interest for appointment to the FirstNet Board will be accepted until June 14, 2013.
First Responder Network Authority Board Special Meeting
The Board of the First Responder Network Authority (FirstNet) will hold a Special Meeting via telephone conference (teleconference) on May 8, 2013.
Commerce Spectrum Management Advisory Committee Meeting
This notice announces a public meeting of the Commerce Spectrum Management Advisory Committee (Committee). The Committee provides advice to the Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Communications and Information on spectrum management policy matters.
First Responder Network Authority Board Meeting
The National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) will convene an open public meeting of the Board of the First Responder Network Authority (FirstNet).
Multistakeholder Meetings To Develop Consumer Data Privacy Code of Conduct Concerning Mobile Application Transparency
The National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) will convene meetings of a privacy multistakeholder process concerning mobile application transparency. This Notice announces the meetings to be held in April, May, and June 2013.
Incentives To Adopt Improved Cybersecurity Practices
The President has directed the Secretary of Commerce to evaluate a set of incentives designed to promote participation in a voluntary program to be established by the Secretary of Homeland Security to support the adoption by owners and operators of critical infrastructure and other interested entities of the Cybersecurity Framework being developed by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). The evaluation will include analysis of the benefits and relative effectiveness of such incentives, and whether the incentives would require legislation or can be provided under existing law and authorities to participants in the Program. The Department of Commerce (Department) will use input received in response to this Notice to inform its recommendations, which will focus on incentives for critical infrastructure owners. In addition, the Department may use this input to develop a broader set of recommendations that apply to U.S. industry as a whole.
First Responder Network Authority Board Special Meeting
The Board of the First Responder Network Authority (FirstNet) will hold a Special Meeting via telephone conference (teleconference) on March 18, 2013.
Proposed Information Collection; Comment Request; State and Local Implementation Grant Program Application Documentation and Reporting Requirements
The Department of Commerce, as part of its continuing effort to reduce paperwork and respondent burden, invites the general public and other Federal agencies to take this opportunity to comment on proposed and/or continuing information collections, as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.
Renewal and Revision of a Previously Approved Information Collection; Comment Request; State Broadband Data and Development Grant Program
The Department of Commerce, as part of its continuing effort to reduce paperwork and respondent burden, invites the general public and other Federal agencies to comment on continuing and revising this information collection, as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, Public Law 104-13 (44 U.S.C. 3506(c)(2)(A)).
Commerce Spectrum Management Advisory Committee Meeting
This notice announces a public meeting of the Commerce Spectrum Management Advisory Committee (Committee). The Committee provides advice to the Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Communications and Information on spectrum management policy matters.
Country Code Top-Level Domain (ccTLD) for the United States; Policies and Requirements; Comments Request
The United States Department of Commerce's (Department) National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) administers the contract for the country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for the United States, ``.us'' (usTLD). The current contract expires on August 31, 2013. Given the expiration date of this contract, NTIA is seeking input from interested parties on the policies and requirements that should govern the usTLD. NTIA will utilize the comments received in response to this Notice in the procurement process leading to the award of a new usTLD contract.
First Responder Network Authority Board Meeting
This notice provides additional information regarding the public meeting of the Board of the First Responder Network Authority (FirstNet) to be held on February 12, 2013.
Relocation of and Spectrum Sharing by Federal Government Stations-Technical Panel and Dispute Resolution Boards
The National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) adopts regulations governing the Technical Panel and dispute resolution process established by Congress to facilitate the relocation of, and spectrum sharing with, U.S. Government stations in spectrum bands reallocated from Federal use to non-Federal use or to shared use. This action is necessary to ensure the timely relocation of Federal entities' spectrum-related operations and, where applicable, the timely implementation of arrangements for the sharing of radio frequencies. Specifically, this action implements certain additions and modifications to the NTIA Organization Act as amended by the Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2012 (the Tax Relief Act). As required by the Tax Relief Act, this rule has been reviewed and approved by the Director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB).
First Responder Network Authority Board Meeting
This notice announces an open public meeting of the Board of the First Responder Network Authority (FirstNet).
Revision to the Manual of Regulations and Procedures for Federal Radio Frequency Management
The National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) hereby makes certain changes to its regulations, which relate to the public availability of the Manual of Regulations and Procedures for Federal Radio Frequency Management (NTIA Manual). Specifically, NTIA updates the version of the Manual of Regulations and Procedures for Federal Radio Frequency Management with which federal agencies must comply when requesting use of the radio frequency spectrum.
Multistakeholder Meetings To Develop Consumer Data Privacy Code of Conduct Concerning Mobile Application Transparency
The National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) will convene meetings of a privacy multistakeholder process concerning mobile application transparency.
Commerce Spectrum Management Advisory Committee Meeting
This notice announces a public meeting of the Commerce Spectrum Management Advisory Committee (Committee). The Committee provides advice to the Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Communications and Information on spectrum management policy matters.
First Responder Network Authority Board Meeting
The National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) will convene open public meetings of the Board of the First Responder Network Authority (FirstNet).
Development of the Nationwide Interoperable Public Safety Broadband Network
The National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) issued a Notice of Inquiry (NOI) on September 28, 2012, seeking public comment on two conceptual presentations made at the inaugural Board meeting of the First Responder Network Authority (FirstNet) as well as to invite input on other network design and business plan considerations. The comment deadline was November 1, 2012, at 5 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time (EDT). NTIA has received several requests to extend the comment deadline from states and first responders that were impacted by the widespread destruction caused by Hurricane Sandy. Therefore, NTIA issues this notice announcing that it is reopening the comment period and will accept comments responsive to the NOI until 5 p.m. Eastern Standard Time (EST) on Friday, November 9, 2012. Comments received after the November 1, 2012, deadline until this notice is published reopening the comment period will be accepted.
Development of the Nationwide Interoperable Public Safety Broadband Network
The National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) issues this Notice of Inquiry (NOI) on behalf of the First Responder Network Authority (FirstNet) to seek public comment on the conceptual network architecture presentation made at the FirstNet Board of Directors' meeting held on September 25, 2012, as well as to invite input on other network design and business plan considerations. NTIA also seeks comment on the general concept of how to develop applications for public safety users as discussed at the FirstNet Board meeting. FirstNet intends to use the input received from this process to shape its efforts to establish the interoperable public safety broadband network based on a single, nationwide network architecture called for under the Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2012 (Act).\1\
First Responder Network Authority Board Meeting
This notice announces an open public meeting of the Board of the First Responder Network Authority (FirstNet).
Development of Programmatic Requirements for the State and Local Implementation Grant Program To Assist in Planning for the Nationwide Public Safety Broadband Network
The National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) issues this Notice to announce requirements for the State and Local Implementation Grant Program authorized by section 6302 of the Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2012 (Act). The Notice describes the programmatic requirements under which NTIA will award grants to assist state, local, and tribal governments with planning for a nationwide interoperable public safety broadband network.
Commerce Spectrum Management Advisory Committee Meeting
This notice announces a public meeting of the Commerce Spectrum Management Advisory Committee (Committee). The Committee provides advice to the Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Communications and Information on spectrum management policy matters.
Multistakeholder Meetings To Develop Consumer Data Privacy Code of Conduct Concerning Mobile Application Transparency
The National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) will convene meetings of a privacy multistakeholder process concerning mobile application transparency.
Relocation of and Spectrum Sharing by Federal Government Stations-Technical Panel and Dispute Resolution Board
The National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) proposes to adopt regulations governing the Technical Panel and dispute resolution boards established by Congress to facilitate the relocation of, and spectrum sharing with, U.S. Government stations in spectrum bands reallocated from Federal use to non-Federal use or to shared use. This action is necessary to ensure the timely relocation of Federal entities' spectrum-related operations and, where applicable, the timely implementation of arrangements for the sharing of radio frequencies. Specifically, this action would implement certain additions and modifications to the NTIA Organization Act through the recent enactment of the Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2012.
Multistakeholder Process To Develop Consumer Data Privacy Code of Conduct Concerning Mobile Application Transparency
The National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) will convene the first meeting of a privacy multistakeholder process concerning mobile application transparency on July 12, 2012.
Commerce Spectrum Management Advisory Committee Meeting
This notice announces a public meeting of the Commerce Spectrum Management Advisory Committee (Committee). The Committee provides advice to the Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Communications and Information on spectrum management policy matters.
Development of the State and Local Implementation Grant Program for the Nationwide Public Safety Broadband Network
The National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) is issuing a Request for Information (RFI) seeking public comment on various issues relating to the development of the State and Local Implementation grant program, which NTIA must establish pursuant to the Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2012 to assist state and local governments in planning for a single, nationwide interoperable public safety broadband network. NTIA intends to use the input from this process to inform the development of programmatic requirements to govern the state and local planning grants program.
Recruitment of First Responder Network Authority Board of Directors
Pursuant to the Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2012 (``the Act''), Public Law 112-96, 126 Stat. 156 (2012), the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) announces the recruitment of the Board of Directors of the First Responder Network Authority (FirstNet). The Act created FirstNet as an independent authority within NTIA that will establish a single nationwide, interoperable public safety broadband network. The Board of Directors will be responsible for making strategic decisions regarding FirstNet's operations. Expressions of interest for membership on the FirstNet Board of Directors will be accepted until May 25, 2012.
Commerce Spectrum Management Advisory Committee Meeting
This notice announces a public meeting of the Commerce Spectrum Management Advisory Committee (Committee). The Committee provides advice to the Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Communications and Information on spectrum management policy matters.
Proposed Information Collection; Comment Request; State Broadband Data and Development Grant Program Progress Report
The Department of Commerce, as part of its continuing effort to reduce paperwork and respondent burden, invites the general public and other Federal agencies to take this opportunity to comment on the proposed revision and/or continuing information collections, as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.
Proposed Information Collection; Comment Request; Computer and Internet Use Supplement to the Census Bureau's Current Population Survey
The Department of Commerce, as part of its continuing effort to reduce paperwork and respondent burden, invites the general public and other Federal agencies to take this opportunity to comment on proposed and/or continuing information collections, as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.
Spectrum Sharing Innovation Test-Bed Pilot Program
This notice describes and seeks comment on the types and depth of testing that the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) intends to conduct in Phase II/III of the Spectrum Sharing Innovation Test-Bed pilot program to assess whether devices employing Dynamic Spectrum Access techniques can share the frequency spectrum with land mobile radio systems.
Multistakeholder Process To Develop Consumer Data Privacy Codes of Conduct
The National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) announces that the closing deadline for submitting comments responsive to the March 5, 2012 request for public comments on the multistakeholder process to develop consumer data privacy codes of conduct has been extended until 5 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) on April 2, 2012.
Proposed Information Collection; Comment Request; Broadband Technology Opportunities Program (BTOP) Quarterly and Annual Performance Progress Reports
The Department of Commerce, as part of its continuing effort to reduce paperwork and respondent burden, invites the general public and other Federal agencies to take this opportunity to comment on proposed and/or continuing information collections, as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.
Multistakeholder Process To Develop Consumer Data Privacy Codes of Conduct
The National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) is requesting comment on substantive consumer data privacy issues that warrant the development of legally enforceable codes of conduct, as well as procedures to foster the development of these codes. NTIA invites public comment on these issues from all stakeholders with an interest in consumer data privacy, including the commercial, academic and civil society sectors, and from federal and state enforcement agencies.
National Protection and Programs Directorate; Models To Advance Voluntary Corporate Notification to Consumers Regarding the Illicit Use of Computer Equipment by Botnets and Related Malware; Extension of Comment Period
The Department of Commerce's National Institute of Standards and Technology announces that the closing deadline for submission of comments responsive to the September 21, 2011, request for information on the requirements of, and possible approaches to, creating a voluntary industry code of conduct to address the detection, notification and mitigation of botnets, has been extended until 5 p.m. Eastern Standard Time (EST) on November 14, 2011. Comments received between November 4, 2011, the due date for comments announced in the September 21, 2011 notice, and publication of this notice in the Federal Register, are deemed to be timely.
Membership of the National Telecommunications and Information Administration's Performance Review Board
In accordance with 5 U.S.C. 4314(c)(4), the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA), Department of Commerce (DOC), announce the appointment of those individuals who have been selected to serve as members of NTIA's Performance Review Board. The Performance Review Board is responsible for (1) reviewing performance appraisals and rating of Senior Executive Service (SES) members and (2) making recommendations to the appointing authority on other performance management issues, such as pay adjustments, bonuses and Presidential Rank Awards for SES members. The appointment of these members to the Performance Review Board will be for a period of twenty- four (24) months.
Membership of the National Telecommunications and Information Administration's Performance Review Board
In accordance with 5 U.S. C. 4314 (c)(4), the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA), Department of Commerce (DOC), announce the appointment of those individuals who have been selected to serve as members of NTIA's Performance Review Board. The Performance Review Board is responsible for (1) reviewing performance appraisals and rating of Senior Executive Service (SES) members and (2) making recommendations to the appointing authority on other performance management issues, such as pay adjustments, bonuses and Presidential Rank Awards for SES members. The appointment of these members to the Performance Review Board will be for a period of twenty- four (24) months.
Commerce Spectrum Management Advisory Committee Meeting
This notice announces a public meeting of the Commerce Spectrum Management Advisory Committee (Committee). The Committee provides advice to the Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Communications and Information on spectrum management policy matters.
Models To Advance Voluntary Corporate Notification to Consumers Regarding the Illicit Use of Computer Equipment by Botnets and Related Malware
The U.S. Department of Commerce and U.S. Department of Homeland Security are requesting information on the requirements of, and possible approaches to creating, a voluntary industry code of conduct to address the detection, notification and mitigation of botnets.\1\ Over the past several years, botnets have increasingly put computer owners at risk. A botnet infection can lead to the monitoring of a consumer's personal information and communication, and exploitation of that consumer's computing power and Internet access. Networks of these compromised computers are often used to disseminate spam, to store and transfer illegal content, and to attack the servers of government and private entities with massive, distributed denial of service attacks. The Departments seek public comment from all Internet stakeholders, including the commercial, academic, and civil society sectors, on potential models for detection, notification, prevention, and mitigation of botnets' illicit use of computer equipment.
Revision to the Manual of Regulations and Procedures for Federal Radio Frequency Management
The National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) hereby makes certain changes to its regulations, which relate to the public availability of the Manual of Regulations and Procedures for Federal Radio Frequency Management (NTIA Manual). Specifically, NTIA updates the version of the Manual of Regulations and Procedures for Federal Radio Frequency Management with which federal agencies must comply when requesting use of the radio frequency spectrum.
Commerce Spectrum Management Advisory Committee Meeting
This notice announces a public meeting of the Commerce Spectrum Management Advisory Committee (Committee). The Committee provides advice to the Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Communications and Information on spectrum management policy matters.
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