Executive Office of the President 2018 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 301 - 314 of 314
Calendar Year (CY) 2017 Cost of Outpatient Medical, Dental, and Cosmetic Surgery Services Furnished by the Department of Defense Medical Treatment Facilities; Certain Rates Regarding Recovery From Tortiously Liable Third Persons
By virtue of the authority vested in the President by Section 2(a) of Public Law 87-693 and delegated to the Director of the Office of Management and Budget by the President through Executive Order 11060, as amended by Executive Order 12608 of September 9, 1987, the rates referenced below are hereby established. These rates are for use in connection with the recovery from tortiously liable third persons for the outpatient medical, dental and cosmetic surgery services furnished by military treatment facilities through the Department of Defense. They are the same rates as the outpatient third party reimbursement rates that were set on July 1, 2017 for billing medical insurers, but require a different approval authority for the purpose of billing for tort liability. The rates were established in accordance with the requirements of OMB Circular A-25, requiring reimbursement of the full cost of all services provided. The CY 2017 outpatient medical, dental and cosmetic surgery services referenced are effective for billing tort liability upon publication of this notice in the Federal Register and will remain in effect until further notice. Previously published inpatient rates remain in effect until further notice. Pharmacy rates are updated periodically. A full disclosure of the rates is posted at Health.mil website in the Defense Health Agency Uniform Business Office section (https://health.mil/Military-Health-Topics/ Business-Support/Uniform-Business-Office/Billing/Medical-Affi rmative- Claims).
Fiscal Year (FY) 2018 Cost of Inpatient Hospital and Medical Care Treatment Furnished by the Department of Defense Medical Treatment Facilities; Certain Rates Regarding Recovery From Tortiously Liable Third Persons
By virtue of the authority vested in the President by Section 2(a) of Public Law 87-693 and delegated to the Director of the Office of Management and Budget by the President through Executive Order 11060, as amended by Executive Order 12608 of September 9, 1987, the rates referenced below are hereby established. These rates are for use in connection with the recovery from tortiously liable third persons for the cost of inpatient medical services furnished by military treatment facilities through the Department of Defense. They are the same rates as the inpatient third party reimbursement rates that were set on October 1, 2017 for billing medical insurers, but require a different approval authority for the purpose of billing for tort liability. The rates were established in accordance with the requirements of OMB Circular A-25, requiring reimbursement of the full cost of all services provided. The fiscal year 2018 inpatient medical rates referenced are effective for billing tort liability upon publication of this notice in the Federal Register and will remain in effect until further notice. Previously published outpatient medical and dental, and cosmetic surgery rates remain in effect until further notice. Pharmacy rates are updated periodically. A full disclosure of the rates is posted at Health.mil website in the Defense Health Agency Uniform Business Office section (https://health.mil/Military-Health- Topics/Business-Support/Uniform-Business-Office/Billing/Medic al- Affirmative-Claims).
Request for Information
The Chief Statistician of the United States and the Statistical and Science Policy Branch (SSP) in the U.S. Office of Management and Budget (OMB) seek to establish priorities and coordinate research efforts across the Federal Statistical System to focus on improving federal statistics. In particular, a priority has been placed on using new techniques and methodologies based on combining data from multiple sources. To support this effort, information is requested on: (1) Current and emerging techniques for linking and analyzing combined data; (2) on-going research on methods to describe the quality of statistical products that result from these techniques; (3) computational frameworks and systems for conducting such work; (4) privacy or confidentiality issues that may arise from combining such data; and (5) suggestions for additional research in those or related areas. While there are regulatory and statutory constraints on combining data within the federal government, the information sought concerns how best to combine data once they are accessed appropriately and successfully. The intent is for the research to inform the adoption of revised statistical standards regarding the use of such combined data for federal purposes, including but not limited to the production of principal key economic indicators and demographic statistical products.
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