Department of Transportation 2014 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 501 - 550 of 2,837
Request for Comments of a Previously Approved Information Collection: Determination of Fair and Reasonable Rates for the Carriage of Agricultural Cargoes on U.S. Commercial Vessels
In compliance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.), this notice announces that the Information Collection Request (ICR) abstracted below is being forwarded to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review and comments. A Federal Register Notice with a 60-day comment period soliciting comments on the following information collection was published on July 7, 2014 (Federal Register Vol. 79, No 129, 38355).
Request for Comments of a Previously Approved Information Collection: Application and Reporting Elements for Participation in the Maritime Security Program
In compliance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.), this notice announces that the Information Collection Request (ICR) abstracted below is being forwarded to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review and comments. A Federal Register Notice with a 60-day comment period soliciting comments on the following information collection was published on July 7, 2014 (Federal Register 38354, Vol. 79, No. 129).
Pipeline Safety: Information Collection Activities-Renewal of Expiring Information Collections
In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, PHMSA invites comments on two information collections that will be expiring in 2015. PHMSA will request an extension with no change for the information collection identified by OMB control number 2137-0048. In addition, PHMSA will request a revision to the information collection identified under OMB control number 2137-0600. This revision updates the number of respondents used in the burden calculation but does not add to or change the type of information being collected.
Notice of Request for Comments on Updates to National Transit Database Information Collection
FTA is extending the comment period for the notice of request for comments, which was published on August 19, 2014. The original comment period closed on September 18, 2014. The extension is based on concerns expressed to FTA that the September 18 closing date did not provide sufficient time to review and provide comprehensive comments on two of the proposed changes. FTA agrees that the comment period for these two proposed changes should be extended. Therefore, FTA has extended the comment period by 30 days from the original deadline to October 20, 2014. Additionally, FTA will continue to accept and review comments arriving after the extended deadline to the fullest extent practicable. This extension will provide those interested in commenting additional time to discuss, evaluate, and submit responses to the docket.
Airworthiness Directives; Bombardier, Inc. Airplanes
We propose to supersede Airworthiness Directive (AD) 2014-06- 08, for certain Bombardier, Inc. Model DHC-8-100, -200, and -300 series airplanes. AD 2014-06-08 currently requires repetitive functional checks of the nose and main landing gear, and corrective actions if necessary; and also provides optional terminating action modification for the repetitive functional checks. Since we issued AD 2014-06-08, we have determined that the optional terminating action modification is necessary to address the identified unsafe condition. This proposed AD would also require the terminating action modification. We are proposing this AD to detect and correct a false down-and-locked landing gear indication, which, on landing, could result in possible collapse of the landing gear.
Proposed Agency Information Collection Activities; Comment Request
In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 and its implementing regulations, the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) hereby announces that it is seeking renewal of the following currently approved information collection activities. Before submitting the information collection requests (ICRs) below for clearance by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), FRA is soliciting public comment on specific aspects of the activities identified below.
Aviation Rulemaking Advisory Committee Meeting on Transport Airplane and Engine Issues
This notice announces a public meeting of the FAA's Aviation Rulemaking Advisory Committee (ARAC) Transport Airplane and Engine (TAE) Subcommittee to discuss TAE issues.
Petition for Exemption; Summary of Petition Received
This notice contains a summary of a petition seeking relief from specified requirements of 14 CFR. The purpose of this notice is to improve the public's awareness of, and participation in, this aspect of FAA's regulatory activities. Neither publication of this notice nor the inclusion or omission of information in the summary is intended to affect the legal status of the petition or its final disposition.
Petition for Exemption; Summary of Petition Received
This notice contains a summary of a petition seeking relief from specified requirements of 14 CFR. The purpose of this notice is to improve the public's awareness of, and participation in, this aspect of FAA's regulatory activities. Neither publication of this notice nor the inclusion or omission of information in the summary is intended to affect the legal status of the petition or its final disposition.
Petition for Exemption; Summary of Petition Received
This notice contains a summary of a petition seeking relief from specified requirements of 14 CFR. The purpose of this notice is to improve the public's awareness of, and participation in, this aspect of FAA's regulatory activities. Neither publication of this notice nor the inclusion or omission of information in the summary is intended to affect the legal status of the petition or its final disposition.
Petition for Exemption; Summary of Petition Received
This notice contains a summary of a petition seeking relief from specified requirements of 14 CFR. The purpose of this notice is to improve the public's awareness of, and participation in, this aspect of FAA's regulatory activities. Neither publication of this notice nor the inclusion or omission of information in the summary is intended to affect the legal status of the petition or its final disposition.
Petition for Exemption; Summary of Petition Received
This notice contains a summary of a petition seeking relief from specified requirements of 14 CFR. The purpose of this notice is to improve the public's awareness of, and participation in, this aspect of FAA's regulatory activities. Neither publication of this notice nor the inclusion or omission of information in the summary is intended to affect the legal status of the petition or its final disposition.
Petition for Exemption; Summary of Petition Received
This notice contains a summary of a petition seeking relief from specified requirements of 14 CFR. The purpose of this notice is to improve the public's awareness of, and participation in, this aspect of FAA's regulatory activities. Neither publication of this notice nor the inclusion or omission of information in the summary is intended to affect the legal status of the petition or its final disposition.
Petition for Exemption; Summary of Petition Received
This notice contains a summary of a petition seeking relief from specified requirements of 14 CFR. The purpose of this notice is to improve the public's awareness of, and participation in, this aspect of FAA's regulatory activities. Neither publication of this notice nor the inclusion or omission of information in the summary is intended to affect the legal status of the petition or its final disposition.
Petition for Exemption; Summary of Petition Received
This notice contains a summary of a petition seeking relief from specified requirements of 14 CFR. The purpose of this notice is to improve the public's awareness of, and participation in, this aspect of FAA's regulatory activities. Neither publication of this notice nor the inclusion or omission of information in the summary is intended to affect the legal status of the petition or its final disposition.
Petition for Exemption; Summary of Petition Received
This notice contains a summary of a petition seeking relief from specified requirements of 14 CFR. The purpose of this notice is to improve the public's awareness of, and participation in, this aspect of FAA's regulatory activities. Neither publication of this notice nor the inclusion or omission of information in the summary is intended to affect the legal status of the petition or its final disposition.
Petition for Exemption; Summary of Petition Received
This notice contains a summary of a petition seeking relief from specified requirements of 14 CFR. The purpose of this notice is to improve the public's awareness of, and participation in, this aspect of FAA's regulatory activities. Neither publication of this notice nor the inclusion or omission of information in the summary is intended to affect the legal status of the petition or its final disposition.
Proposed Establishment of Class E Airspace; Plainville, CT
This action proposes to establish Class E Airspace at Plainville, CT, to accommodate new Area Navigation (RNAV) Global Positioning System (GPS) Standard Instrument Approach Procedures (SIAPs) serving Robertson Field Airport. This action would enhance the safety and airspace management of Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) operations within the National Airspace System.
Establishment of Class E Airspace; Thomas, OK
This action establishes Class E airspace at Thomas, OK. Controlled airspace is necessary to accommodate new Area Navigation (RNAV) Standard Instrument Approach Procedures at Thomas Muni Airport. The FAA is taking this action to enhance the safety and management of Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) operations at the airport.
Requested Administrative Waiver of the Coastwise Trade Laws: Vessel SEACLUSION; Invitation for Public Comments
As authorized by 46 U.S.C. 12121, the Secretary of Transportation, as represented by the Maritime Administration (MARAD), is authorized to grant waivers of the U.S.-build requirement of the coastwise laws under certain circumstances. A request for such a waiver has been received by MARAD. The vessel, and a brief description of the proposed service, is listed below.
Request for Comments of a Previously Approved Information Collection: Procedures for Determining Vessel Services Categories for Purposes of the Cargo Preference Act
In compliance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.), this notice announces that the Information Collection Request (ICR) abstracted below is being forwarded to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review and comments. A Federal Register Notice with a 60-day comment period soliciting comments on the following information collection was published on July 7, 2014 (Federal Register 38356, Vol. 79, No. 129).
Requested Administrative Waiver of the Coastwise Trade Laws: Vessel WAYA; Invitation for Public Comments
As authorized by 46 U.S.C. 12121, the Secretary of Transportation, as represented by the Maritime Administration (MARAD), is authorized to grant waivers of the U.S.-build requirement of the coastwise laws under certain circumstances. A request for such a waiver has been received by MARAD. The vessel, and a brief description of the proposed service, is listed below.
Requested Administrative Waiver of the Coastwise Trade Laws: Vessel NAUTI KAT; Invitation for Public Comments
As authorized by 46 U.S.C. 12121, the Secretary of Transportation, as represented by the Maritime Administration (MARAD), is authorized to grant waivers of the U.S.-build requirement of the coastwise laws under certain circumstances. A request for such a waiver has been received by MARAD. The vessel, and a brief description of the proposed service, is listed below.
Requested Administrative Waiver of the Coastwise Trade Laws: Vessel DRIFTER; Invitation for Public Comments
As authorized by 46 U.S.C. 12121, the Secretary of Transportation, as represented by the Maritime Administration (MARAD), is authorized to grant waivers of the U.S.-build requirement of the coastwise laws under certain circumstances. A request for such a waiver has been received by MARAD. The vessel, and a brief description of the proposed service, is listed below.
Revocation of Restricted Areas R-4105A and R-4105B; No Man's Land Island, MA
This action removes restricted areas R-4105A and R-4105B, No Man's Land Island, MA. The Air National Guard and U.S. Air Force informed the FAA that they no longer have a requirement for these areas. Management of the land has been transferred to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
Proposed Establishment of Class E Airspace; Rogue Valley, OR
This action proposes to establish Class E airspace at the Rogue Valley VHF Omni-Directional Radio Range Tactical Air Navigation Aid (VORTAC), Rogue Valley, OR, to facilitate vectoring of Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) aircraft under control of Seattle and Oakland Air Route Traffic Control Centers (ARTCCs). The FAA is proposing this action to enhance the safety and management of aircraft operations within the National Airspace System.
Proposed Amendment of Class E Airspace; Manchester, NH
This action proposes to amend Class E Airspace at Manchester, NH, as a new approach procedure has been developed, requiring airspace redesign at Manchester Airport. This action would enhance the safety and airspace management of Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) operations at the airport. This action also would update the geographic coordinates of airport.
Deepwater Ports License Application Process for Offshore Export Facilities
The Maritime Administration (MARAD) is seeking public comment on the agency's proposed policy to accept, evaluate and process license applications for the construction and operation of offshore deepwater port facilities for the export of oil and natural gas from the United States to foreign markets abroad, and to use the existing Deepwater Port License regulations, cited at 33 CFR Parts 148, 149 and 150 for such purposes.
Airworthiness Directives; Airbus Airplanes
We propose to adopt a new airworthiness directive (AD) for all Airbus Model A318, A319, and A321 series airplanes; and Model A320-211, -212, -214, -231, -232, and -233 airplanes. This proposed AD was prompted by reports of wear of the trimmable horizontal stabilizer actuator (THSA). This proposed AD would require repetitive inspections of the THSA for damage, and replacement if necessary; and replacement of the THSA after reaching a certain life limit. We are proposing this AD to detect and correct wear on the THSA, which would reduce the remaining life of the THSA, possibly resulting in premature failure and consequent reduced control of the airplane.
Airworthiness Directives; Kidde Graviner
We propose to adopt a new airworthiness directive (AD) for certain Kidde Graviner hand-operated fire extinguishers as installed on, but not limited to, various transport and small airplanes. This proposed AD was prompted by a report that a fire extinguisher failed to operate when the activation lever was pressed. This proposed AD would require modifying the affected fire extinguishers. We are proposing this AD to prevent fire extinguishers from failing to operate in the event of a fire, which could jeopardize occupants' safety and continuation of safe flight and landing.
Airworthiness Directives; Lockheed Martin Corporation/Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company Airplanes
We propose to adopt a new airworthiness directive (AD) for certain Lockheed Martin Corporation/Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company Model 382, 382B, 382E, 382F, and 382G airplanes. This proposed AD was prompted by an evaluation by the design approval holder (DAH) indicating that the upper and lower rainbow fittings on the outer wing are subject to widespread fatigue damage (WFD). This proposed AD would require repetitive inspections of the upper and lower rainbow fittings on the outer wing to detect cracks propagating from fasteners attaching the fittings to skin panels, and related investigative and corrective actions if necessary; and replacement of the upper and lower rainbow fittings on the outer wing. We are proposing this AD to prevent fatigue cracking of the upper and lower rainbow fittings on the outer wing and skin-panel-to-fitting fastener holes, which could result in reduced structural integrity of the airplane and possible separation of the wing from the airplane.
Twenty Seventh Meeting: RTCA Special Committee 213, Enhanced Flight Vision Systems/Synthetic Vision Systems (EFVS/SVS)
The FAA is issuing this notice to advise the public of the twenty seventh meeting of the RTCA Special Committee 213, Enhanced Flight Vision Systems/Synthetic Vision Systems (EFVS/SVS).
Civil Penalty Inflation Adjustment for Commercial Space Adjudications; Second Amendment
This final rule is the second mandatory inflation-based adjustment to the maximum civil penalty authorized for violations of the Commercial Space Launch Act of 1984, as amended. This adjustment is done to bring the authorized penalty for violations into compliance with the requirements of the Federal Civil Penalties Inflation Adjustment Act of 1990, as amended by the Debt Collection Improvement Act of 1996.
Orders of Compliance, Cease and Desist Orders, Order of Denial, and Other Orders
On August 12, 2014, the FAA published an immediate final rule (79 FR 46964) entitled ``Orders of Compliance, Cease and Desist Orders, Orders of Denial, and Other Orders.'' This action confirms the effective date of the immediate final rule and responds to the comments received on that immediate final rule.
Vehicle-to-Vehicle Security Credential Management System; Request for Information
On August 18, 2014, NHTSA announced an advance notice of proposed rulemaking (ANPRM) for V2V communications, and concurrently released an extensive research report on the technology, as the formal start to the regulatory process. This notice, a Request for Information (RFI), seeks information related to the security system that will support V2V operations but will not be established by NHTSA regulation. This RFI will help the agency: (1) Become aware of private entities that may have an interest in exploring the possibility of developing and/or operating components of a V2V Security Credential Management System (SCMS); (2) Receive responses to the questions posed about the establishment of an SCMS provided in the last section of this RFI; and (3) Obtain feedback, expressions of interest, and comments from all interested public, private, and academic entities on any aspect of the SCMS. The Background section of this RFI provides an overview of the technical and organizational aspects of the current V2V security design, of which the SCMS is an integral part. The SCMS encompasses all technical, organizational, and operational aspects of the V2V security system that is needed to support trusted, safe/secure V2V communications and to protect driver privacy appropriately. The primary managerial component of the envisioned SCMS (called the SCMS Manager) would be responsible for managing all other component entities (called Certificate Management Entities or CMEs) which support the different V2V security functions that, together, ensure the operational integrity of the total system.
Tier 2 Environmental Impact Statement: Morgan, Johnson and Marion Counties, Indiana
The FHWA is issuing this notice to advise the public about the resumption of environmental activities leading to a Tier 2 Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the proposed Section 6 of I- 69, located in Morgan, Johnson and Marion Counties, Indiana, of the Evansville-to-Indianapolis Interstate 69 (I-69) highway. This Notice of Intent (NOI) updates the NOI published in the April 29, 2004 Federal Register. The purpose of this NOI is to advise that pursuant to the March 24, 2004 Tier 1 Record of Decision (ROD) for this project, a range of alternatives will be evaluated which may include alternatives outside of the corridor selected in the Tier 1 ROD. All alternatives evaluated will connect Section 5 of I-69 in Martinsville with I-465 in Indianapolis.
Proposed Establishment of Class E Airspace; Cypress, TX
This action proposes to establish Class E airspace at Cypress, TX. Controlled airspace is necessary to accommodate new Standard Instrument Approach Procedures (SIAPs) at Dry Creek Airport. The FAA is taking this action to enhance the safety and management of Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) operations for SIAPs at the airport.
Pipeline Safety: Guidance for Strengthening Pipeline Safety Through Rigorous Program Evaluation and Meaningful Metrics
PHMSA published Advisory Bulletin ADB-2012-10 in the Federal Register on December 5, 2012, to remind operators of gas transmission and hazardous liquid pipeline facilities of their responsibilities under current regulations to perform evaluations of their Integrity Management (IM) programs using meaningful performance metrics. PHMSA is issuing this Advisory Bulletin to expand that reminder by informing owners and operators of gas and hazardous liquid pipelines that PHMSA has developed guidance on the elements and characteristics of a mature program evaluation process that uses meaningful metrics.
Notice of Meeting of the Transit Advisory Committee for Safety (TRACS)
This notice announces a public meeting of the Transit Advisory Committee for Safety (TRACS). TRACS is a Federal Advisory Committee established by the Secretary of Transportation in accordance with the Federal Advisory Committee Act to provide information, advice, and recommendations to the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Transportation and the Federal Transit Administrator on matters relating to the safety of public transportation systems.
Advisory Committee for Aviation Consumer Protection
This notice announces the sixth meeting of the Advisory Committee for Aviation Consumer Protection.
Hours of Service of Drivers: Application for Renewal of Illumination Fireworks, LLC and ACE Pyro LLC Exemptions From the 14-Hour Rule During Independence Day Celebrations
FMCSA announces that it has received an application from Illumination Fireworks, LLC and ACE Pyro, LLC (applicants) for a renewal of their exemption from the requirement that drivers of commercial motor vehicles (CMVs) must not drive following the 14th hour after coming on duty. The applicants were granted an exemption previously for drivers of 50 CMVs during the Independence Day period of June 28, 2014-July 8, 2014. The exemption would apply solely to the operation of drivers of 50 CMVs employed by the applicants in conjunction with staging fireworks shows celebrating Independence Day during the period of June 28-July 8, 2015. During this period, the CMV drivers employed by the applicants would be allowed to exclude off-duty and sleeper-berth time of any length from the calculation of the 14 hours. These drivers would not be allowed to drive after accumulating a total of 14 hours of on-duty time, following 10 consecutive hours off duty, and would continue to be subject to the 11-hour driving time limit, and the 60- and 70-hour on-duty limits. The applicants maintain that the terms and conditions of the limited exemption would ensure a level of safety equivalent to or greater than the level of safety achieved without the exemption.
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